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Hello. I am six months into finding out I have food allergies. I am a 44 year old of four and have never had a ”healthy” body. I have never had severe health issues either. I do now realize I have never felt good, only because I had a short time in my life where I realized I felt better. You don’t know what your missing until you find it sort of thing. I refer to that time as ”that taste” of energy and health. Now, ”all I can taste is...not that taste.” I wish to find my healthy body again, inside and out, and finding this forum has helped with some of my infancy questions, so I imagine there is much more to discover here!

Other stuff:
I must avoid: corn, honey, fructose and potato. Should also try and avoid: apricot, hops, avocado, ibuprofen, beat, kamut (I don’t even know what this is), caffeine, mushroom, cherry, peach, cinnamon, pear, crab, pistachio, cumin, green #3, rice yellow #5, saccharin, ginger, sorbic acid, goats milk, tomato, pot. Nitrate

I took this quiz when I joined:
You are predominately a Vata body type
Winter / Vata 25
Summer / Pitta 16
Spring / Kapha 10

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