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President of the American Naturopathic Association, the oldest, original Naturopathic Association, started and named by the founding father, Dr Benedict Lust in 1894, commissioned by Msgr Sebastian Kneipp, to bring the Kneipp Water Cure to the Pan Americas at the turn of the 19th Century. The oldest school of Naturopathy, the American School of Naturopathy and it’s network is launching the first alumni and patron financed FREE school for Naturopathy in it’s history! NATUROPATHY IS NOT NATUROPATHIC medicine!! Come be a part of the oldest, not profession, not branch of allopathic medicine, or any other ”business”! Naturopathy is lifestyle training, the cost is supposed to be nominal, as healing is free! So invite EVERYBODY to become ”naturopaths”, we get rid of the ”BIG-BIZ” schools and $$$ oriented money grubbers and we all get WELL TOGETHER!! Mahatma Ghandi, Chief Joseph Redhorse, Bernard Jenson and many other famous people have been members of our association in the past! Don’t be a sell-out to Naturopathic MEDICINE, learn the REAL teachings of NATUROPATHY and we will be partners for a healthier world!
Physician, Chemist and Priest, family lineage dating back to 1078 AD with history of family affairs with the Germanic and Russian royal families.
Also, President of the International Association for Oxygen Therapy, established in Berlin, as the Institut fur Sauerstoff Heilvahfahren, in 1898, the founders of which were the inventors of Hydrogen Peroxide and related compounds. Dr FM Eugene Blass was commissioned to bring the education and products to the USA by the founders, and instituted the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy, which became the Int’l Asso. for Oxygen Therapy, when the estate passed over to the ANA in 1976.
Our most recent acquisition was the American Library for Health, a library of some size bringing the books of the ANA and its records to well over 100,000 books and associated texts, records, case studies and documents, already in the process of being electronically recorded as a source library for all. Thank you!
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usa-tesla and others to be added 

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