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![]() Send Private Message To docjudy88 Send Email To docjudy88 Hi, I’m Judy Seeger and I’m a Natural Cancer Cure Researcher. I’m the creator and author or “Natural Cancer Cures With Foods That Heal” plus the organizer for Cancer Cleanse Camp. I grew up in Queens, New York then moved over to Rutherford, New Jersey. My parents are both Hungarian so my very first language was Hungarian! It was tough the first year in school not understanding what the teachers were telling me, but being in kindergarten I got the hang of coloring pretty quick even with the language barrier! I remember my dad taking me to a ton of soccer matches…those were the days when Hungary was pretty good in soccer. I also remember him taking me to some live boxing matches which I absolutely loved but my mom wasn’t too happy with him since she thought it was too violent for a 6 year old! Growing up as a teen in New Jersey, I was always pretty active. I’d be either bike riding, swimming, playing basketball, dancing to great polka music, roller skating or ice skating. Polka dancing actually kept me out of trouble since all my friends would go to these live polka fests and we would dance our feet off all night long. Now that polka is not the king dance anymore, I’ve turned to the Latin rhythms like salsa dancing! When my parents divorced, my step dad, who was also Hungarian had a sister and brother-in-law who pretty much adopted me as their favorite – and only – niece. I loved my Uncle Lou who was one of the funniest guys around! He smoked a big fat cigar out in his car because Aunt Helen wouldn’t let him smoke in the house! Uncle Lou had a big fat belly that always jiggled when he laughed. And with all his joke telling and pulling pranks, his belly jiggled a lot! And he loved to eat and eat and eat! Aunt Helen was always making him delicious dishes that he would gobble up in two seconds. The Problem! But one day, my Aunt Helen called to tell us the tragic news that Uncle Lou was diagnosed with stomach cancer. They gave him about six months to live. It was devastating news for all of us! His health continued to deteriorate rapidly and I remember one especially sad day when I stayed with for him for awhile. I was 12 years old, and I had to sit with him as he rolled around with horrible stomach pain. He had constant pain which no drug could help him with. It was non-stop round the clock pain! I felt helpless not being able to help my favorite uncle get out of pain! I didn’t know how to comfort him. I didn’t know what to do. I felt completely helpless. It was at that moment I realized that doctors didn’t have any sure-fire ways to reduce pain for cancer. They had nothing. The Solution! Fast forward to 7 years later when I was 19 years old. I was invited by a friend to hear a seminar with Dr. John Christopher, a famous herbalist who supposedly helped people with all kinds of diseases, especially cancer. As I sat with 50 other people back in 1978, and listened to this his successes, I knew deep down that he was speaking the truth. There were herbs, and foods, and many therapies that could help people with cancer. This stunned me! I couldn’t believe that this was not being taught in every school. I couldn’t believe the doctors didn’t tell this to my Uncle Lou. I was shocked that there were so many options but so little information about this. I immediately went to the library, since there was no internet back then, and got every book on natural healing. Then, a couple of years later, I went back to school…learned from more healers all over the world…and researched every alternative medicine therapy I heard about. I wanted to learn what worked and what didn’t work. I wanted to talk with the people who used these therapies to see their results. After my 16 years of marriage ended, I decided to go back to school and become a naturopath (alternative medicine doctor). After school, I opened a clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin where I saw thousands of people use this system. I never stopped researching and going to school, seminars, expos, and studying the latest findings to make sure that I left no stone unturned! If it wasn’t for the cold Wisconsin winters, I’d still be there. But I finally decided to move somewhere warmer so I ended up in San Diego, California where I opened up another clinic. The last of my three children had a few more years before she went off to college, so I decided that California would be a good place to finish raising her. Now that all my children have left the nest, I’m devoting 100 percent of my time to research. I have totally immersed myself in getting the information that I’ve learned in 33 years to work with people who are open to natural healing methods. Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of my teachers had a sign in his office that said, “You are looking for the perfect doctor, I am looking for the perfect patient” If you are open minded to learning what the natural cures for cancer are, and willing to understand what it takes to get there, plus can spend the time to do it, go to my website: or better yet give me a call personally at 321-403-9447. Just leave me a message for the best time of day to reach you and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. I’d love to hear your story and how I can be of service to you. |
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