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Send Private Message To commieatheist Send Email To commieatheist I am a former admirer of Ayn Rand, but that was back when I was 17. I have since grown up. I believe that what the media calls "the Left" in this country is actually "the Center". But that's only because "the Right" has gone so far right, that they have fallen off the edge of the flat earth, that so many of them still believe in. I am an atheist, I'm not really a communist, but what I am is a Leftist. Which, to the left that used to be the center, would be considered a communist. I am Pro-Choice and am not afraid of women who are as smart as I am, if not smarter. Of course, to what is currently knows as "the Right" that would make me gay. I am not gay, although I've kissed a man fully on the lips. But I've always believed that I am a lesbian, trapped in the body of a man. In addition to being an atheist, I actually believe that organized religion does more harm than good. This would not be as big a problem for me if it wasn't for the fact that the extreme "far right" version of Christianity has hijacked our Federal Government. I will dedicate the rest of my life to ensuring that the separation of Church and State, that was the "original intent" of the founding fathers. I like Led Zepplin, the Beatles, walks on the beach at sunset, decadent chocolate desserts, and reading Atrios. |
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