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Warning: I get chatty.
Health: Currently battling parasites! A few of ’em.
Also have an ”overlap” of autoimmune diseases: polymyositis (or dermatomyositis, there’s a debate about that), Sjogren’s and sometimes test positive for Scleroderma, sometimes not. Was diagnosed with MCTD then new rheumy said ”no” and calls it polymyositis again, although I don’t test positive for that anymore, my sjogren’s numbers are high. Perhaps ”Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease) (UCTD).
Other than that, I love doing the family tree. I have had a site up since 1999. Recently I ’resigned’ from my job, and my site was hosted there. It’s gone now, for the first time in 13 years.

I have two cats, both about a year old. Prior to that I had two others that lived until 18 and 19 !! (born in 1992!!!!) When the 19 year old was very very ill I adopted two more and kept them in a separate space in my townhouse. Sadly, one died within a few months of FIP. (not FIV, the very rare FIP).

Had a tough past two years, so my ”about yourself” is on the dark side. .. 
My homepages and my Blogs:

I haven’t written in it lately, it’s called ”Body out of whack” but then subtitle is autoimmune, perhaps I will change that and write about any health problem I battle. 
My Favorite Forums
currently, parasites. I’ll be back for more though! My autoimmune ”diseases”. My ears ring - it doesn’t really bother me too much though, I’ve been through much worse. I Have scoliosis also, not sure if there is a forum for that.

Interested in juicing maybe, or perhaps going back on an eating plan such as Dr. Fuhrman’s (been to two of his ’retreats’ - and one seminar). 
My Favorite Blogs
see my blog for blogs I follow. Since my blog is about autoimmune diseases (mine) most of the blogs I currently follow are similar. :)
This may change.

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