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Miss Scarlet
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I'm a creative type...kind of nutty and off the wall. I'm not a "typical girl". I don't shop at malls. I don't have long conversations about lip gloss, and I certainly do not EVER get excited about manicures or purses. I prefer conversations with substance. Not that lip gloss isn't a substance, because I suppose it is, technically. But spending time discussing the substance of lip gloss will never help anyone get to where they want to be in life, or will never help anyone figure out why we are here. This is what interests me more...because even at age 32, I tend to find myself scratching my head wondering this. Sometimes I build up gigantic belief systems of my very own, convinced I have the meaning of life figured out. Then I will suddenly get a raging case of flu and my car will die and I can't get to work and I have two dollars in my pocket and nothing in the bank, and I'm forced to tear down these belief systems and find new ones that might be able to shed greater light on why my cat just chewed through the cord of my roommate's 150 dollar Wacom tablet and I now owe him a new one. Let's face it. Life is a 200 lb. playground bully who wants our lunch money whenever he feels like it. This means there HAS to be someone bigger and smarter and greater than him out there in the world who has more answers than any of us kids on the the very least, we can rest assured that recess only lasts an hour. 

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