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A Southerner who loves the North, Old enough to have pumped the water I drank and scavenged for wood for warmth. Tolerate dogs, but love cats...once nursed one with a doll baby bottle filled with goat milk: His name was Tuna! Yes, I have a wry since of humor; funny only when I don’t intend to be. Lover of words; have been paid for them. Lover of poetry and all things poetic...snow frozen like stars on a cold window pane; breathless whispers clinging like secrets on blustery air...etc. A mother of many; grandmother of more than I can keep count of; a great-grandmother of 2 w/2 more on the way! Once a Counselor, a Corrections Office, a Pastor; now, simply a Writer who believes a Relationship with God is far more important than pretentious titles and religious interjections! Oh, and I love anything pertaining to Angels and Butterflies! And, I LOVE people! 
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