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Send Private Message To HealingLoveHappiness Send Email To HealingLoveHappiness Been sick for 5 years and basically declared unfixable - which I just won't accept. MCS, CFIDS, arthritis, Fibro, LGS, universal allergies, skin disorders, you name it......at my wit's end....About to try qxcio/scio (preferably by distance) - and I am looking for someone that I can trust!!!! Have been let down by the medical establishment and alternative practioners too many times, and I've lost my spark and endured such heartbreak. I must either get better or get out of the way so that my caretaker can have some semblance of a happy life without me as this ridiculous burden. I have not tried pranic healing, etc....but I am very open to any form of distance healing. I am particularly distressed that most of my hair is lost, pain and fear is one thing, lol, but my vanity seems oddly in tact. I can't use a thing - (gluten, oils, universal allergy fun!) and I just want to wake up from the nightmare so badly. I truly believe that there is a way out of this - perhaps through hypnosis - even - they say that shcitzophrenics are only allergic to cigarette smoke sometimes and that they are only blind sometimes, and even have their periods several times in a month....I truly believe that the mind controls the body.....I just need to trust in the intentions and ability of a qxci / scio practitioner, a healer , heck a numerologist would even be great at this point - I just need that final boost to get me just a little bit well enough to at least start being able to live some semblance of a normal life again and make it to my regular doctors....if there's any advice that you have for me, I so welcome it...Your success stories are so inspiring to me - and I empathize with the horror of chronic illness of any type, obviously - and wish you all better than well right away and forever. Much Love and Happiness and Light to come your way, I hope = :) |
My Favorite Forums qxci/scio eft laser therapy detox energy medicine (I'm allergic to everything else!) gluten |
My Favorite Blogs they all just seem rather depressing, lol |
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