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AYAEXPLORERERS HEALING and SHAMANIC CENTER tells: Every so often we ALL need some renewal for our spiritual, mental and physical health, some (big shower) that cleanse IN DEEP our poor bodies and spirits. If you go to Perů or where ever you want, we tell you that you pay MORE and you get much LESS (in quality, knowledge and ethics) than with us here in Ecuador...Remember: There is always something that can be done... "Those who do not have enough time for good health, will not have good health for enough time."--Paul Bragg.-.-.-.-///AYAEXPLORERERS since 1980 is the most transcultural, experienced and ETHICAL Healing and Shamanic Center available today...All our members are a high integrity people practicing knowledge, guidance, humility...And we tell you the BASICS YOU MOST KNOW: First of all, we have relationships with many other medicines besides Mama Ayahuasca...And our main concern is to bring and apply all of our integrity and experience to heal people...In other words, we believe you MOST trust your feelings to choose WHERE...AYAHUASCA: A sacred and unique phytochemical concoction. ///AYAHUASCA: Hallucinogen??? Its a powerful mind EXPANDER (no side effects)!!!///AYAHUASCA: An entheogen for therapeutic use///AYAHUASCA: It shows to Westerners its not the ancient arts paradigm, its the eternal arts paradigm. ///After several Therapies, AYAHUASCA let you declare: “I have gone through a transformation.”...”I am practicing good deeds.” etc, etc. ///AYAHUASCA: will heal certain ailments better when in conjunction with other doctor plants.///AYAHUASCA: Provide you with wisdom and bliss.///AYAHUASCA: The most praised doctor plant...///"Ayahuasca is a medicine far beyond what we commonly think of as a drug. I cannot articulate that difference other than to say that whereas a drug, often pleasant, leads you to distraction, away from your life and its concerns, ayahuasca does the exact opposite. It will take you, headlong, directly into the center of your life and show it to you in its immediacy, its horror and its sacredness. But apart from the effect of the ayahuasca itself, the set and setting of the drinking has a profound effect. The third world, the mud packed shacks, the old Amazonian shaman's with weather cracked faces. They contain the depth of life in their eyes. They hold your gaze and you see the void looking back at you, yourself looking back, your own fear of what you will find. All while slapping mosquitoes and wishing you had remembered to fill your water bottle..." Wayne Ayers Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist...///Somewhere, when you have a great experience: ( a renewal of your body, mind and spirit for instance ), you feel like its not enough what you pay for it... Generally your consciousness tells you that there is not enough gold collected by humans to pay for that great satisfaction and/or favour.../// For Prevention and/or Curing Programmes: from December 6 to March 5 2008///PRICE DEDUCTIONS: 1 - 4 people 15% (in Programme B only), 5 - 6 people 20%, 7 - 9 people 25%, 10 - 12 people 30%...////// Programme A: LIGHT Illness Prevention Therapy to AYAEXPLORERERS’ Ecuadorian Amazon Healing and Shamanic Center: 5 Days—4 Nights (for people who depends on time). This Programme retreat participant to be able to better direct his/her Illness Prevention Therapy and self-exploration as well as do much more powerful inner work… Besides purifying your blood system, this Programme will bring you stress reduction, calm, joy and the most important: you will experience a RIBIRTH… You will realize the existance of an Spiritual Realm...: Includes: three (3)Ayahuasca Ceremonies with English speaking Healers,Spirit Guides ( Master Shamen), etc, for more details please remit your self to my BLOG Entries, PICS, etc.////// Programme B: INTENCE Illness Prevention Therapy...(for people who are READY to take resposibility for their health) to AYAEXPLORERERS’ Ecuadorian Amazon Healing and Shamanic Centers: 12 Days—11 Nights…This Programme, often engenders powerful visions in the participants, allowing them to work through unresolved psychological issues, heal and transcend mental distress, and access inner strength and personal power…Remember, besides cleansing in deep your body and spirit, this Programme will heal wounds from the past and the present, reduce depressions, chronic issues…Reduce the complicated to the simple... Includes: five (5) Ayahuasca Ceremonies with English speaking Healers,Spirit Guides (Master Shamen), etc. For more details please remit your self to my BLOG Entries, PICS, etc.//////Programme C (CURING Programme):: For people with disease or health related condition, we offer our First, Second and/or Third Level Curing Therapies: (21 Days--20 Nights...FIRST Level)... While your body and spirit is under a powerful cleanse and renewal condition (Ayahuasca and another psychic, botanical and different body traditional and natural resources in action are waiting for your BEST option)... Our compact team of knowledge, ethic purity, strength, determination and kindness people will HELP you all the time... We believe that each CURING Therapy been guide by the right people, is been likened to many, many days of psycho--physical therapy avoiding risky and poisoness biochemical treatments...Its up to you WHERE you choose to fight the disease.. In treatment's decisions is YOUR life that you play with. From this point ON, our Healers, Medical Doctors, Spirit Guides, Professional Nurses and qualified Helpers will develop and applied the proper, natural and safe treatment to follow...In the mean while, we are treating://--Mental Distress//-- Traumas//--Addictions//--Tumors, etc... We ONLY accept for treatment pathologies that been detected and NOT been treated by surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy... We know very well that TIME gives Leadership and Expertice (our 27 or more years of EXPERIENCE talk for us)...For more details please remit your self to my BLOG Entries, PICS, etc.///Get in touch with Lcdo. Mario Yepes Guzmŕn: Thank you...
12 days AYAEXPLORERERS' Shamanic Center (Schedule Programme):
DAY 1.- Arrival to Quito/Guayaquil, transfer IN to 4 stars new hotel (with electronic security boxes in each luxurious suite), TV cable/AC, wireless internet, refrigerators with beverages and some beers, private hot water showers,, bar-cafeteria,, continental breakfast every morning to your suite, sauna, jacuzzi, gym, ALL INCLUDE (except beverages and beers)...If you arrive in the morning to the 4 stars hotel you'll have the chance to take a continental breakfast up to 09H30, and sleep// For this year you have to arrive to GUAYAQUIL airport not to Quito airport.
DAY 2.- Breakfast (long walks knowing the city) and sleep.
DAY 3.- Breakfast (long walks knowing the city). At 01H00 of DAY 4 transfer OUT from hotel to the Bus Terminal. 10 hours trip to Tena-Napo Province. In Tena we'll transfer to a double cabin pick-up truck
DAY 4.- to arrive to AYAEXPLORERERS' Camp A Shamanic Center about 14H00 of DAY 4. Welcome Ceremony and a Ritual Bath after a short walk to the Camp A Shamanic Center’s LAKE to cleanse and prepare the body for Ayahuasca. In the evening, there is an orientation meeting and introduction by Guangana and the Shamans of AYAEXPLORERERS Camp A Shamanic Center/// Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
DAY 5.- Morning: Circle Meeting with Guangana, Don Cesar, a Master Kichwa Shaman, 74 years old, his Helper and Apprentices to discuss Ayahuasca and choose the plants for your Ayahuasca diet//14H00 enjoying an afternoon of FIESTA and CULTURE (3 hours) with chants, dances and TRUE Indigenous music and theatre. 17H00 Floral Baths for cleansing. Evening: 1st Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony///Meals: Breakfast and lunch.
DAY 6.- Morning: Circle Meeting to discuss your Ayahuasca insights arising from the evening before…A rainforest HIKE (4 hours) to some enchanted waterfalls (zone A) to celebrate Sacred Rituals. This is a WALK into the rainforest to meet Great Spirits and “Doctor Plants” and learn how plants HEAL with Guangana, the Shamans of Camp A and rainforest Indigenous guides and helpers. With luck, in this hike we could watch thousands of birds in a mineral's feeding act.///16H00 short walk to the lake and SWIM. Evening: 2nd Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony///Meals: Breakfast and lunch.
DAY 7.- Morning: Circle Meeting to discuss your insights, the Ayahuasca myths, legends and what it could do for you (Workshop with Guangana). From 10H00 to 12H30 FULL ENJOYMENT swimming at the lake. 13H30 to 18H00 you'll visit the community's people at their home. If you bring some clothes, vitamins and/or domestic articles (as a gift) this will be the right time that you PERSONALLY distribute this gifts to people who REALLY needs from it…(charity and compassion is always welcome from Upstairs). Its up to you to do it or not. Evening: rest/// Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
DAY 8.- Morning and afternoon: Floral Baths and Circle Meetings to discuss your insights…How to heal shamanically with plants and…Whom really we are and from where we come from (Workshop with Mario)…Then free time to REST and INTEGRATE your experiences… Group photos and photos with Master Shaman and his Helper. Evening: 3rd Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony.//Meals: Breakfast and lunch.
DAY 9.- 07H00: Circle Meeting and Farewell Ceremony (gifts of power). Pack and prepare to depart. 08H30 pick-up truck departure from AYAEXPLORERERS' Camp A Shamanic Center to get a river motorized canoe cruise to visit ethnography museums and endemic fauna protection centers. Afternoon: 13H00 bus departure from Tena to AYAEXPLORERERS' Camp B Shamanic Center, arrival to Camp B 17H30 Welcome Ceremony where you’ll make a ceremonial commitment to CHANGE// Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
DAY 10.- 07H30: Circle Meeting with Guangana, Don Luis a Master Shuar Shaman: 78 years old and Apprentices. After words: “What have we learn” a (Workshop with Guangana) and Floral Baths for cleansing. FREE morning. Afternoon: Fishing and swimming by the river. Evening: 4th Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony//Meals: Breakfast and lunch.
DAY 11.- Morning: Don Luis and Guangana will prepare the group for the return home. Learn how to bring the Spirit World into your everyday lives. 10H00 a FANTASTIC horseback riding EXPEDITION (6 hours – Zone B) to another enchanted waterfalls to celebrate some Sacred Rituals ( commune with the Spirits of the trees, etc.). Afternoon: 16H30 to 18H00 full enjoyment by the river's waters…18H30 you'll participate in a Shamanic Fire Ceremony to invoke the Spirit World and offer our intents to Spirit// Evening: this 5th Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony been leadered by Don Luis and Guangana will bring clousure to our work and WE (both Shamans) will offer individual "venteadas" (blessings and protection) to each guest.//Meals: Breakfast and lunch.
DAY 12.- 07H30: Circle Meeting to discuss your Ayahuasca insights arising from the evening before. Farewell Ceremony (gifts of power). Pack and prepare for return to Quito/Guayaquil. Group photos and photos with Master Shaman. 10H00 departure from AYAEXPLORERERS' Camp B Shamanic Center to the Bus Terminal// 13H00 departure from the Bus Terminal to Quito/Guayaquil.
If you want to CONTACT
KEY INFORMATION: Tour Duration: 12 days///Group Size: 2 – 12 people///Destination (s): Guayaquil / Quito ECUADOR///Specialty Categories: Soft Adventures – Etno Cultural Experiences – Physical and Spiritual HEALINGS – Spiritual Journeys and Mythology Workshops///Season: Year Round///Airplane Included: NO///Tour Customizable: NO///PRICE.. € 860,OO euros per person....
My homepages and my Blogs:
What We Do:::In the mean while we offer you INTENSIVE Shamanic Rituals, Healings, and Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremonies been leadered by me. So we give you FULL service with love and compassion...And the most important: We already have our HAPPY and ENLIGHTED lifes to share with you...So in these context, a REAL Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremony with TRUE Spirit Guides is NOT reaching heaven or hell...Is simply inhesting a powerful vegetable juice with psychotropic and purgative effects...But the most important step in these Ceremonies is the SPIRITUAL POWER that we the Knowledge People put into it...These is the right way to become CONNECTED...:: As an outgoing visionary its time to put your talents to play (HEALING TIME), becoming a true meditation been, a dreamcatcher...OUR incantatin songs, OUR soft whistleings, OUR very touchy tobacco pubs, OUR surupanga pass by works,etc, etc, will convert to you (a novice participant) in a lucky astral traveler...OUR secret spiritual arrows will turn to you i 
My Favorite Forums
If you want something MORE than just a taste of the Ecuadorian Amazon's mystique; then you want to ABSORB yourself in the energy of its Misterious Spirits...We know there are NO HUMAN WORDS familiar with that can adecuately describe what you'll experience been guided by us throught that Spirit.
We know very well that TIME gives leadership and experience (not damages, not complications)...Only CLARITY!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: In your way to face Ayahuasca ways, all depends how "lucky" you are to get into the RIGHT track to bring you those particular sites, nights, rituals and Ayahuasca kinds...All depends with whom you are into it.
FINALLY: We want from you something very important to remember: With us you will be in the hands of great Master Shamans of two (2) different Ecuadorian Amazon Nations: Kichwas and Shuars with FULL capacity to control our Ceremonies, you will also be in good hands of great Indigenous rainforest guides, cooks, helpers and if you deviate from the w 
My Favorite Blogs
FAQ / Frequently Asking Questions
What do I need to bring with me?
• Valid passport
• Airline tickets international roundtrip to Guayaquil and from Quito.
• $26 US dollars for international airport departure tax from Guayaquil and 37 US dollars for international airport departure tax from Quito.
• Cash/ATM .
• Money belt for security.
• Clothing:
• Lightweight hiking shoes (we provide rubber boots)
• Waterproof rain poncho
• Light jacket/windbreaker
• Sun/rain hat and sunglasses
• 3-4 pair of pants – light weight or quick dry, long pants and walking shorts
• 4 light long sleeve shirts + 4 T-shirts, tank tops or other comfortable casual wear.
• 7 pair of socks and underwear.
• Sleeping and traveling clothes.
• Bath suit.
• A back pack.
For rainforest, rivers, lakes and waterfall expeditions
• Day pack
• Please bring 3 (three) one liter or quart water bottles
• Ziplock bags to protect belongings from ever-present moisture
• Compact sit 

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