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Dr. Jeffrey S. McCombs, DC, is a third generation graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and developer of the Candida Plan.

Dr. McCombs developed The Candida Plan which is a detoxification and dietary plan that counters the detrimental effects of antibiotics and reestablishes the normal body flora, detoxification pathways, and regeneration cycles of a vital, youthful, and healthy body. To date, the Plan has been shipped to over 70 countries around the world.

His 1st book, ”LifeForce : A Dynamic Plan for Health, Vitality, and Weight Loss” is time tested and based on functional analysis of how the human body functions and interacts in this modern world. His book, Lifeforce, and website have been referenced in New York Times Best sellers. His 2nd book, ”The Everything candida Diet Book” for Adams Media, was released in 2014 and goes into greater detail about candida and the various protocols available to address it successfully. It also includes 150 candida diet recipes.

His 30 years of ongoing research and practice emphasizes addressing the nutritional, environmental, emotional, structural, and biochemical aspects of acute and chronic health conditions in his patients. An innovative forerunner in the continuously evolving fields of advanced healing arts, Dr. McCombs has worked with Olympic and Professional athletes, celebrities, dancers, CEO’s, and people from all walks of life. He currently consults with people from around the world.

The Candida Plan can now be found at 
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