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My name is Aramiz. I am a representative for ZoiVi health and nutrition. I was born and raised in New York City. I am an outgoing individual who likes all kinds of sports and activities. My colleagues call me the ”Jack of All Trades” because I’m really good at whatever I work on. Nothing really prepared me for marketing and I was hesitant about its affiliates and its system. I joined many marketing companies in my early years of college and I grew to despise them, that is until I met ZoiVi. I was living alone in new york city for 4 years working 2 jobs and just barely getting by. A lot of people never really appreciate or understand why only 5% of Americans are wealthy and why the other 95% work in hourly paid jobs. I was misguided for most of my life. I had to learn everything the hard way. Now when I have the opportunity to open new doors for my friends and family they all pushed me away until they saw my first $1,500.00 dollar check in my first week in the company. Too good to be true? I have recorded all of my checks and my close partners checks all making 4 figure incomes in there first month. If that isn’t a surprise there are all also between the ages of 19 and 23. I am searching the world to try and gather as many people as I can to try and show them the path of real wealth and understand that they are just mislead and that anyone can be rich. It only comes with a cost of desire. If anyone has read this far, I understand why you keep reading. There’s a reason why your here searching, and a reason why you came to read this far. If this somehow interests you we can talk personally and I show you everything. Go to my website and take a peak at the ZoiVi society and its great products. 
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