Liver Flush Photo Report

Stories: Flush #11Flush #12 Flush #13

Click here to see more pictures - My Largest frozen liver stones & gall stones

Stones from my 13th flush:

Large Cholesterol Gallstone - Click here to see more pictures

Links to my stories:

Rusfox: flush #9

Inspired by the story "Dyeing to know the answer" by Andy Oct 13 2002
I decided to test if stones I get after a flush are composed of olive oil and grapefruit juice, or if they are something else.

Click here to see 10 other photos

One Saturday, December 2002,
I prepared a mixture of Olive Oil, Red Beat juice and grapefruit juice:

Liver Flush mixture - olive oil +  red beat juice + grapefruit juice  

I did classic Dr. Hulda Clark flush,
using 1 tbsp of Epsom salts at 6pm and one at 8pm,
then drinking red mixture at 10pm, and going to sleep.

Tomorrow, I got those cholesterol stones,
most likely composed of bile, precipitated into cholesterol inside intestines..

The largest (dark green) is over 1 cm across it's longest diameter:

Click here to see 10 other photos


Dyeing to know the answer...   by Rusfox     11:30 Dec 25 (6 responses)

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Subject:   Dyeing to know the answer...
From:   Rusfox < no email >   |Show All messages posted by   Rusfox|
Date:   11:30   Dec 25 2002 (6 mon)

Continuing discussion posted several weeks ago entitled
Dyeing to know the answer... by "Andy"
now also available on FAQ pages:

(Here is the most important extract from it:
"Next time you do a flush, add an extra ingredient: some harmless organic food coloring of a kind that is not affected by digestion. Suppose you use red food coloring. Then when the stone-like objects come out, if they are truly from the liver/gallbladder, cutting them open with a knife should reveal that the stones have green or brown interiors but are stained on the outside with red. If they are red inside, they were formed in the intestine during digestion.")

I did my flush (9th during one year period) after 2 month break taken after a flush when I had almost no stones.

So, inspired by the above mentioned discussion, I drank olive oil with freshly pressed beetroot juice with two or three table spoons of grape fruit juice (to improve the taste), instead of only grape fruit juice). Not the best drink, I must say. Everything else was as usual. Same feelings and... the same results. GREEN STONES! GREEN AS EMERALDS outside and inside.

But... The stool wasn't red as it is usually after consuming beetroot. But I think maybe the coloring works different in case of consuming fresh beetroot juice and boiled beetroot.

Well, for those who want to experiment more in this direction, I would advise to eat a boiled beetroot on the day of the cleanse.

Please, share the results with us.


The Best way to collect your stones:

Liver flush - Use of Colander


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