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  • Flushing liver while breast feeding: Valuable experience   by Rusfox     51 days
    Subject:   Flushing liver while breast feeding: Valuable experience
    From:   Rusfox      | All Rusfox's Messages |
    Date:   3/16/2004 7:40:04 PM   ( 51 days ago )     R/N (recommended for CureZone Newsletter!)

    Hi, Everybody!

    I have not been here for a while. I have little baby to take care of now, you know.

    Well, here is my story:

    I used to flush every 2-3 months for 2 and a half years now. I even flushed 3 times during my pregnancy with great results (check Image gallery and Pregnancy forum). The day before yesterday it had been 6 months since my last flush (I was 7 month pregnant back then).

    I would flush earlier but I got concerned after reading one message here from a breast feeding lady. She wrote that her baby was not feeling good during her flush. It was spitting and vomiting because the milk, she produced while she was doing her liver flush, was not good.

    So I decided to wait untill I am finished with breast feeding. Besides, my baby is extra sensitive to what I eat and how I feel.

    Lately I started to feel that I badly needed a liver flush. (Poor digestion, pains, etc.)Things were getting worse and worse.

    So I finally did it. I decided that It would be better that my baby spits and be a little upset for 1 day, rather then me continuing being sick and affecting him that way constantly throught another 7 months of brest feeding.

    I did it Hulda Clarks way, but no Ornithin and I had to skip last Epsom dose cause I just could not take it down. To make sure I get rid of toxines ASAP, I did several enemas 2 liters each (one enema before the flush, one at 7am and another one at 10am).

    My 3 month old baby was breast fed every couple hours or so, as usual (I feed him whenever he wants), throughout the whole process. Surprisingly to me HE DID NOT REACT ANYHOW!.

    In fact he seemed pretty happy with everything. He did have a few extra bowel movements today and that was the only difference.

    So the results were as usual: handful of my average emerald green stones, some grape- some bean size, nothing special. I feel enormous relief, pains are gone, digestion is back to normal, and the baby is happy!

    I hope my experience will help someone.

    Good health to all of you!


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