This issue: Epilepsy Cure, Acne and Arthritis Cure, Autism Cause and Cure, Eczema Cure, Psoriasis Cure and more ... Epilepsy Cure and Autism CureEducating Instead of Medicating If you are having problems accessing links from your email program, then you should read the newsletter online, by accessing this URL: To submit your story to be published, please place your story in Newsletter Suggestions forum. Psoriasis Cure: The first thing you have to know is Psoriasis can be cured! This is how I cured my Psoriasis. But please read my suggested book titles as well as. I think it is essential that you are also self educated about your particular case of Psoriasis as everybody is different and often respond differently to treatments (as mentioned in my previous posts). Part 1 | Part 2 | How to stay clear of Psoriasis Allergies: What else in their environment could be contributing to their current problems? Could there be a mold issue in your home? Do you have carpets? Is it a newer home with formaldahyde in the construction materials? What kind of ventilation system do you use? How is your home heated? Do you have pets? Do you use everyday detergents, soaps, shampoos? What other chemicals are used around the house? Anyone smoking? Hair products? Do you have indoor house plants? (often moldy soil) What is your outdoor environment like? Do you live near busy roads or any industry? Read the story Epilepsy Cure:
Over 21 years ago, in June 1978, I started taking a
large dose of the B Complex vitamins. New forums on CureZone: A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Dave's Story: On December 8th, 1991 I slipped and fell in my own
backyard and ruptured the Patella Tendon in both legs. That set in motion a
sequence of events that totally changed my life. Acne and Arthritis cure: I was very skeptical about taking supplements, following diets etc, but I decided to put to a test. I fasted for three consecutive days and changed my diet for like a week or so. The improvments I noticed were astonishing: my skin cleared my thinking was sharp, and I had tons of energy. I have decided to stay on this diet (whole grain, fruits, vegetables, water, legumes) due to the benefits of it and plus I am not hungry all the time as I was before. Read the story Autism cause?: New study from Denmark
tends to discount widely held fears that a mercury-based preservative formerly
used in childhood vaccines may be responsible for the rapid rise in diagnoses of
autism. Autism cause?: Now let's look at a second
possible cause for the new epidemic: mercury. As we've seen, mercury in vaccines
is in the form of thimerosal, which is 49.5% mercury. No matter what you may
read in the newspaper or hear on CNN, as of 2003 mercury is still being included
in the manufacture of several vaccines : DPT, hepatitis B, influenza, H.
influenzae. (PDR, 2003) Autism: The most dramatic effect we saw with him over the three to six months after starting on these supplements was the changes in his diet. We had already taken him off wheat and milk products, which improved his health, but his diet was atrocious - he would only eat crispy things like chips, fried chicken and Asian spring rolls. He ate a little meat, but no rice, pasta, fruit, vegetables etc. At that time he was off all his other supplements such as vitamins, mineral, enzymes - he refused to accept food and drink which his mum had laced with these for many months- whereas he accepted the glyconutrient powder in his drinks as it is virtually tasteless and he loved the gummy bears that contained the phytonutrients supplements. Read the story Autism misdiagnosed?: THE number of children with autism
could be four times higher than suspected, say scientists. We Cured Our Son's Autism:
When the doctors said our son would be severely
disabled for life, we set out to prove them wrong. Eczema Cure: A month ago I started a new diet and supplement program after reading a book called "Sick and tired? reclaim your inner terrain". it's by Dr. Robert O. Young, micro-biologist and nutritionist. I had also read his first book, "The pH miracle." These two books changed the way I look at health. I had been struggling with eczema for as long as I could remember, and when I started I was a month into a really bad outbreak on my hands. Read the story You are currently subscribed to curezone mailing list as: %%emailaddr%% To unsubscribe click here: To subscribe, click here, it is free! "This newsletter may be copied, reproduced and forwarded freely.
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