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Fifth month pregnant 11th flush results
Rusfox Views: 4,073
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Fifth month pregnant 11th flush results

Hi everybody!

Last night I did my 11 th flush being 5 month pregnant.

Just for your information, I did my 10th flush being 1 month pregnant, but I did not know I was pregnant that time. 10th flush was very good too.

So last night I followed Clarks recipe but reduced Epsom Salt dosage to one little tea spoon (coffee spoon)per glass of water.

I drank Oil\Grape fruit juice mixture at 11 pm and was very surprised how easy it went this time. I was afraid that I would get some rejection due to my pregnancy. But everything went just perfect!

After that I ironed some clothes and was sitting by my PC untill 3 o'clock. I don't like to go to bed immediately, as the original recipe suggests.
I've noticed that it is much easier for me if I remain vertical for at least one hour after drinking oil mixture. Sometimes it is necessary to burp a little after the drink, and it is very easy to do when you are vertical, but when you lay you start feeling like vomiting. I hate this feeling so I go to bed when I really feel like doing it.

The whole process was surprisingly smooth. I did not feel anything in my liver area. No fever, no arrhythmya, no nausea. NOTHING!

I slept perfectly. Drank my light version of epsoms at 6 am. Skipped my 8 o'clock epsoms because I felt there will be no problem with Bowel movements. I woke up at 9 feeling urge to go to toilet.

So my first bowel movement brought about 20 very dark emerald coloured stones from half to 1 cm diameter. I don't calculate stones that are smaler then that.

I went to bed again and woke up around 12 and had my second bowel movement. This time there were about 20 - 25 stones from 0,5 to 1,5 cm diameter and about one cup of what looked like if you would put your after-flush Bowel movement product (including stones)in a blender and blend it for a while (slush).

After the second bowel movement I felt like I will have no more movements untill evening, because I skipped my last epsom drink.
But I wanted to get rid of everything I had in my intestines to feel more fresh.

So I did enema with a couple of dropperfuls of Clarkia , just in case. (I can't drink Clarkia now because Artemisia absentium is not recommended for pregnant).

The enema flushed out about 15 stones from 0,5 to 1,5 cm diameter and some mucus. The last stones looked much more disgusting that the previous ones. They seemed like covered with thin layer of yellowish sticky fat or whatever it was.

I was using disposable rubber glove to pick up the biggest stones to take pictures of them. The first and second BM stones were O'K and I could easily wash the glove in cold water. The last batch of stones was terrible, whole glove was soiled with this disgusting yellow fatty substance, it was impossible to wash it away even by warm water. I sertainly threw the gloves into garbage can, but it was interesting to see how the substance behaved.

Well, I feel greater fresher cleaner and healthier! Such a relief!



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