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January 24, 1999


This document is an updated version sent by us to a few schools in December 1998. It is intended to educate and bring about meaningful dialogue between you, the administrators of our schools, and we the parents who have entrusted you with the education of our children.

In our opinion parents were denied the right to true informed consent. We feel that the package containing the consent form which was sent home with our children did not contain sufficient material risk information, readily found on the product insert and recently exposed on the Friday, January 22, 1999, ABC's 20/20 telecast. Here are some published side effects of the Hepatitis B vaccine:

Allergic reactions to vaccine components such as Yeast, Latex, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, and Thimerosal (a mercury derivative banned in a ruling effective October 22,1998, and published in the U.S. Federal Register # 63 (77): 19799-19802 dated on April 22, 1998). Reactions could include anaphylaxis and rare deaths. The more controversial, nonetheless most important, are hundreds of observations published in refereed medical journals worldwide. These are reports of Guillain Barre Syndrome, Diabetes, blindness, Central nervous system demyelinating diseases, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other poly Arthritis syndromes, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS (multiple sclerosis), acute dermatological diseases, and even death These disorders have been observed in close temporal proximity to the Hep B vaccine administration. In scientific terms, there is yet no cause and effect link which can be made to these observations however one cannot say there are no links until such a time as serious well designed scientific studies are performed by independent groups of researchers. In spite of all the demands from the doctors, scientists and vaccine victims worldwide, no such long-term studies have been published. We wonder why? In addition to this, there is no mandatory reporting system for adverse reactions to vaccines, so we ask how it is even possible to track these events accurately? Reporting by doctors is done strictly on a voluntary basis. In order for these statistics to be accurate and meaningful, we feel they need to be mandated by legislation.

In early November 1998, a group of parents of grade 4 children filed an injunction request with the Court of Queens Bench. The Manitoba court was presented with compelling scientific evidence linking Hep B vaccine to a heightened risk of neurological and auto-immune injuries. Unfortunately, the court ruled in favour of the department of Health, allowing it to proceed with its mass vaccination plan. Shockingly, it failed to uphold the biomedical/ethical standards derived from Canadian case law, that all material risks, regardless of how insignificant they may be statistically, must be disclosed prior to any medical procedures. Is the court's failure to order health officials to rewrite the consent form to include the possibility of serious, adverse reactions, a striking violation of the principle of informed consent granted all Canadians? We are also concerned by the promotional nature of this vaccine campaign. In some schools, plush toys, soft drinks, bags of chips, etc. were awarded only to those students receiving the vaccine. Another example of the promotional nature of this campaign is a recent letter sent to parents who refused to vaccinate their child in the fall of 1998. The health department used this phrase “If you would like more information to help you make the decision to “have” (emphasis ours) your child immunized, please call your public health nurse or health links”. This leads us to believe that additional information would only endorse the vaccine, again omitting some of the potential material risks. After contacting these numbers we felt the additional information was biased in favour of the vaccine and ignored the published concerns of adverse side effects worldwide. This further proves our point that in spite of the department of health recognizing the need for balanced information, we feel they continue to disseminate mostly promotional information.

We feel that administration of mass injections do not belong in our schools .Schools are for education and not for vaccination.

The Hep B controversy was recently addressed by the public health ministry of France. Due to the pressure of a large group of doctors and over 15,000 French citizens belonging to numerous concerned organizations (from which we have received detailed documents), France's ministry of Health has suspended the administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine in all schools in that country. They recognized that this medical procedure and its observed risks, would best be handled by the child's personal physician who has intimate knowledge of personal and family histories. This would minimize the potential for harm. Furthermore, these 15,000 French citizens are personally suing the manufacturer and government for adverse reactions incurred after the vaccine.

The lead organization called REVAHB consisting of 1400 or more health care workers including many medical doctors, all of which have suffered acute disabilities following their Hep B vaccinations, have organized and successfully lobbied the government to remove this program from schools. Their spokesperson Dr. Philippe Jakubowicz MD, an avowed pro-vaccinator, is personally suffering from lupus following his Hep B vaccine. He personally told us that 200 in his group are confirmed MS cases, which appear to have been triggered by the Hep B vaccine.

We have been in touch with renowned vaccine researcher and professor of cell biology at Baylor Medical College in Houston Texas, Dr. Bonnie Dunbar Ph.D. (she was interviewed on 20/20 program noted earlier). Dr. Dunbar owns patents on state of the art vaccines. She heads up a group of researchers who are very interested in discovering the true connection between Hep B vaccine and acute neurological and inununological reactions observed following its administration. She has yet to see conclusive evidence or data concerning the Hep B studies that presumably show no correlation between the observed reactions and this vaccine. She has supplied us with more than 100 scientific and medical journal references, which supports her great concern regarding the risks of Hep B vaccine. She concludes that more long-term scientific studies need to be done, and she is eager to investigate the possible genetic linkage factors associated with this vaccine. Dr. Dunbar, to this date, has been unsuccessful in acquiring funding for this research. We also spoke with Dr. Byron Hyde M.D. of the Nightingale Research Foundation in Ottawa Canada, who personally heads up research into the Canadian Hep B vaccine injuries. He also is a pro-vaccinator with no political or pharmaceutical interests. He knows of two computer discs from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta with more than 40,000 reported injuries from this vaccine alone. He was quick to point out that this represents only a fraction of all the possible cases which exist and that no other vaccine has been associated with more adverse reaction reports than Hep B. He too would like to see immediate independent research undertaken to investigate these reports of serious adverse reactions.

On last week's ABC news program 20/20 (Friday, January 22, 1999), we heard Dr. Harold Margolis, (spokesperson for the CDC) state in defense of the Hep B vaccine that there are 200,000 new cases of Hep B in the USA each year, of which 26,000 are children. When we checked with the CDC’s published data in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly report of October 3 1, 1997, we found there were only 10,637 cases of Hep B in the USA in 1996 with only 279 cases of children under the age of 14. These statistics seem to differ widely. What are we to believe? The CDC report further states that “Hep B continues to decline in most states primarily because of a decrease in the number of cases among injecting drug users and to a lesser extent, among both homosexuals and heterosexuals of both sexes”.

We recommend the following course of action for your school:

1. A list of all students who received the vaccine should be kept on file for future follow up.

2. You should obtain from the local health department or The Bureau of Communicable Diseases in Ottawa (613-957-1340), The Report of a Vaccine Associated Adverse Event forms which we recommend you complete for each student who has had an adverse reaction to the Hep B shot. Then forward it to the health department of Manitoba, The Bureau of Communicable Diseases at Laboratory for Disease Control, Tumey’s Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OL2 and The Association For Vaccine Damaged Children at 67 Shier Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3R 2H2(895-9192 or 896-0971).

3. For further information you may contact:
The National Vaccine Information Center in Washington, D.C. at:

We hope we have challenged you. On behalf of your school and the safety of your students, and the concern of their parents we trust you will raise this issue with your board of trustees and education minister.

Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Gerry Bohemier DC
Dr. Ray Shupena DC
Dr. Lee Pelissier DC
Dr. Brad (DMD) & Mrs. Rose Stevens
Mr. Manfred Janssen
Mr. Louis Blanaru BSc Pharin
Ms. Suzanne Mariani
Gloria and Lawrence Dignazio



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