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Hep B update ... Just something to Think About...
silence_dogwood2003 Views: 10,907
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Hep B update ... Just something to Think About...

Just something to Think About...

Monday, January 26, 2004
Dear Dr. McClellan (FDA Director)

This weekend I read an article about you in the Houston Chronicle written by Gina Kolata of the New York Times. The theme of article focused on your willingness to buck the system. I am imploring you to take on one more cause. This new cause effects many, many more young US citizens. What I am speaking about is the terrible pain and suffering we are putting our children through because of the Hepatitis B vaccine that is mandated by most states in our county. As a doctor I am sure you know how folks get infected with Hep B. If a child is not at risk at birth there is practically no way they will ever get the disease. More children in Texas are sent to the hospital annually from the vaccine then incur the disease. I am convinced that the Hep B vaccine is the major cause behind the increase in autism, ADD, and other childhood neurological diseases. It is interesting to note that the increase in these diseases corresponds exactly to the introduction of the mandated recombinant genetically re-engineered vaccine in the early 90's. In the computer business we always ask when a problem occurs: "What has changed". Well, in the case of childhood neurological diseases--the Hep B is what changed. Worldwide experts including our own Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of the Baylor College of Medicine have testified to the damage this vaccine has causes, but no one listens or even cares to look into this.

And yes, my 12 year old son has been profoundly harmed by the shot...and no one cares; plus we are stuck in the adversarial system of the NVICP.

Please help...we need a strong spokesperson to stop what we are doing to our children.

Sunday, January 25, 2004
On Jan. 23, 2004, I had to take my son to a medical clicnic to have a doctor look at his throat. He frequently breaks out in cold sores on the back of his throat. This started when he was on a variety of meds to help lessen the pain from reative arthritis in his ankles. I gave the doc the quick story; and mentioned that it all started from the hep b vaccine. He said this is an bad vaccine--basically a vaccine that is just not is needed. He has heard other stories of reactions; plus he said there is talk in the medical community regarding the inherent problems with this drug. He said the his school dristrict is forcing him to vaccinate his 12 year old daughter. Since his daughter has already had a localized reaction to a previous vaccine he is worried about the possibility or an adverse reaction to hep b. I suggested filing an objection to the shot and led him to for the paperwork.

He said multiple times: Since there is no need for the vaccine, why are we being forced to vaccinate our children. He answered his own question: "It must be about money".

Mandated vaccines are big money!!!

On Jan 15, 2004 I had to go to Walgreens, to pick up supplies for a homemade skin cream for my son. The pharmacist asked why I needed the ingredieints. I quickly said he has been faced with a few problems since experiencing a reaction to the Hep b vaccine two years ago. The pharmacist said she understood the issue; she has a friend in Hong Kong whose new born baby died after receiving the hep b vaccination.

The effects of this evil vaccine has no boundaries.....
Thursday, January 15, 2004
I spoke today with Special Master Sweeny's law clerk. She informed me that there soon will be a conference call between all parties to discuss the establishment for the hearing date for Hep B Neurological injuries. The clerk thought the actual date of the hearing would be within the next six months. Location of the hearing is uncertain. It could be in Washington State, Washington D.C. or anyplace in between. The hearing would be open to the public. Once the hearing occurrs a ruling would come down from the SM that would specify if neurological cases can be compensated, and which type of injuries would qualify. It would be safe to assume that another year will pass us by before any hep b cases are settled....this madness must stop. I sugest we all call our representatives to get this damn law changed!. If a vaccine injury cases can not be processed within 18 months of filing, and if the vaccine is in the table ( and regardless of type of injury) the parties must be forced to settle. Nothing less is acceptable.
The National Vaccine Injury Compesation Program must be changed! If the the Court can not determine if a case should be compensated within 18 months of filing, the parties must then be forced to settle. Cases for approved vaccines are lingering much too long--as cases linger, the injured continue to suffer. Most of the cases in question involve children---as parents we watch our children suffer, we watch our financial resources dwindle, and we watch the government wait. Help stop this madness now.
Saturday, January 03, 2004
What’s Merck trying to hide?

An Associated Press article regarding mercury content in fish appeared in the Dec. 28, 2003 issue of the Houston Chronicle. The first paragraph read: “Fish are heart-healthy and most Americans should eat more. But fish also contain mercury, and too much can harm brain cells, especially in the very young”. Countless numbers of research studies have documented this fact over the years.

If it is wrong for pregnant women or young children to eat too much fish due to mercury, why is it that childhood vaccine manufacturers have been allowed to manufacture and distribute vaccines with a mercury laced preservative called Thimerosal?

Yes, if administered properly, the amount of mercury in each shot is below the CDC/FDA recommended limits. However, if multiple vaccines are simultaneously administered either following birth or later in life, the overall amount is well above the recommended amount.

In 1986 Congress enacted a law called the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program. This little known program had two very important aspects. First, it shielded all vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits due to vaccine injury; and secondly, it created the so-called “Vaccine Court”. The vaccine court is managed under the US Court of Federal Claims. It was intended to be a quick, non-adversarial way to compensate the victims of vaccine injuries. It is funded by a 75 cent tax on every vaccine. The court has hundreds of millions dollars in its fund. It has paid out millions of dollars since its founding.

The Vaccine Court has a set number of vaccines it will consider for compensation. Even if a vaccine not on the list causes an injury, the claimant must still file in the court. The Court will add vaccines to the list; in fact, a genetically re-engineered form of the hepatitis b vaccine by Merck and a few other manufacturers was added in 1998. No claims for injury due to the Hepatitis B vaccines have been awarded. Hundreds of claims for injury due to the Hepatitis vaccines are now held up in Vaccine court. Many of the claims have been held up for years.

Many of you may remember the federally sponsored fund for 9/11 victims. This fund is very similar to the vaccine court. The only difference is that 9/11claimants only have to present a death certificate. In the vaccine court an injured party has to hire a lawyer and suffer through an adversarial process against the respondents including lawyers from both the Department of Justice and the Department of HHS.

The vaccine court is currently in the discovery phase on two major issues. First, could Autism be caused by vaccines; and secondly, which type of injuries will the court consider for compensation due to a Hepatitis B vaccine. The court has identified five different types of possible Hepatitis B injuries. The first two under review are neurological and arthritic conditions. There have been over 3000 Autism cases filed.

There has been much publicity (including inconclusive federally sponsored studies) during the last two years regarding both autism and its cause and injuries due to the hepatitis vaccine. The increase in childhood neurological conditions such as ADD, MS, and autism is alarming and well documented. Many parents feel the increase in mandated childhood vaccines is the cause. Just think, what has changed in the health care of children? Since the early nineties, the number of, and combinations of mandated vaccines have increased dramatically, and until recently, many of the vaccines contained mercury.

In Houston, we have Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, a world famous microbiologist that has written and testified multiple times regarding the damaging effects that the genetically re-engineered Hepatitis B vaccine can cause. Additional Congressional testimony has been presented by doctors from the Baylor College of Medicine regarding the effect of mercury in vaccines.

Even though the Hepatitis B and Autism proceedings are being reviewed independently, they both have one thing in common, and that is Merck &Co.

The Autism Omnibus Proceedings has collected a huge amount of information that is now under review by the court, the lawyers and Federal agencies. However, one set of information is still missing.
The Special Master in charge of the Autism hearing has issued a subpoena to collect the final information; the Product Licensing Application (PLA) and all of the supporting documentation from Merck regarding its Hepatitis B vaccine called, Recombivax HB. Merck is vigorously fighting the subpoena.

Even though Merck is protected from vaccine lawsuits by Federal statutes, it has vigorously refused to hand over the requested information. As I often tell my friends, the vaccine manufacturers could put sewage water in vaccines and still be exempt from legal action. So, what are they hiding? Much of the requested data is already in the hands of the FDA; however, due to federal privacy laws, the FDA is not allowed to give the Federal courts the information. Therefore, the Court must be forced to get the information from Merck. The proceedings from the court can be found at:

Just read the insert from the Merck Hepatitis vaccine; it states that in its clinical studies a variety of neurological, immune system, and digestive reactions were either observed or reported in less than 1% of the time. One percent does not seem like a lot, but if millions of shots are administered annually in the U.S. alone, the number of adverse reactions is huge. Furthermore, cases of adverse reactions were only monitored for five days. No long term adverse reaction studies were ever undertaken.

Most states require that all students have three doses of the hepatitis b vaccine before reaching twelve years old. If the vaccine series is not taken, the schools will not allow your child to attend public school. Exemptions are possible, but not advertised or offered as an alternative. We were sent a letter from our school system threatening expulsion if we did not get our child vaccinated. We did, and it has been a horror story ever since.

The Vaccine Adverse Reporting System is a federally sponsored reporting system that documents vaccine injuries. It is well documented that the hepatitis b vaccine injures more children than contract the disease. VAERS information can be found at:

So, if Merck and the other vaccine makers are protected from lawsuits, what do they have to loose? Vaccines are big business, and mandated vaccinations are huge profit maker. If parents can not afford to pay for the government mandated vaccines, the States will. The drug companies reap huge profits from mandated vaccines. I am sure they do not want these income streams interrupted.

It is unclear whether the mercury in the hepatitis b vaccines causes problems, or it is the hepatitis b vaccine alone, or if hepatitis b in combination with other vaccines that are harmful; but it is obvious that Merck is hiding something and this should not be allowed to continue. I even submitted a Freedom of Information request in October 2002, and have not received the requested PLA information from the FDA for both Merck and Smithkline hepatitis b vaccines. We owe it to our children to make Merck come clean. In fact we need a Howard Baker to ask, “what do they know, and when did they know it”.



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