The copy-cat trend on this forum is getting old by Hidden Username ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 9/7/2007 3:47:10 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,294
Rant Warning:
I've been on and off this website for a couple of years and every few months or so, it's a new "trend".
Some think the Liver Flush is the cure all.
Some think everything and anything is caused by parasite and killing the parasite results in the cure.
Then there was the Blessed Herbs Cure All because of how great they make their $200+ product look on their website.
The Collidial Silver cures all.
ACV Cures All.
And now the past 6 months or so it's the "Miracle Iodine" cure. Just like the past trends, it's recommended for everything and anything. It's ridiculous.
It'd be nice seeing more and more posts with actual testimonials rather than everyone reposting the same new "fad" trend and remember that what works for someone else won't work the same "miracles" as another. People still want to believe there's a One-Cure-For-All Jesus-Style miracle out there that hasn't been found yet. If that were possible, we all wouldn't have so many different symptoms and issues.
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