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For #55171 by Naturalist ..... Rosacea Support Forum

Date:   8/28/2007 2:13:48 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   4,613

I did many things trying to rid myself of the rosacea the following is what I feel helped me the most.

I did many colon, liver, and parasite cleanses. (You would not believe what came out of my body on my third combined liver/ parasite cleanse.
Iodine combined with apple cider vinegar (because I passed a 2 foot tape worm after finishing a 24 hour fast while taking this)
Coconut oil cleanse
Removed all grains and sugars from my diet
Changed my diet . (Organic kefir, yogurt, coconut cream/oil, coconut flakes, coconut milk and fermented vegetables, cod liver oil, hemp oil, raw egg yolks. Dense nutrition with added supplements.
Consumed Primal Defense or Natren probiotics
Drinking Ozone water. Insufflations with ozone.
Detox baths: Epsom salt/sea salt/hydrogen peroxide (weekly)
Fasting: I Water Fast for 24 hours once a week. Have done extended juice fasts/Master Cleanse and several 3 day water fasts.

My rosacea was very bad. At one point I had a benign tumor on the end of my nose. I also had what looked like peach fuzz growing on the side of my face.

I still have a very faint redness to my cheeks and nose. You would not notice it, but I do. I am going to start a 10-14 day Water Fast the end of September in hopes of clearing the redness.

Also, one of my most concerning symptoms was my hair. It had become dangerously thin. In fact my hair dresser use to call it danger hair. She meant I was in danger of going bald. In my opinion, you still have a fungal overgrowth in your body. For me it was all about ridding myself of a parasite overgrowth and healing my gut. It is all about the terrain. My hair is thicker now then it has been at any time in my life.

Wishing You Abundant Health...*Naturalist

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