My case - brain parasite and all over by andyeleven ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 8/17/2007 3:20:13 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,727
Heres an update, I think I have some very interesting points to mention. Best if i keep it in bullet note form. I hope people read all of this,especially the poster of the brain parasites thread
My plan:
- day 22 of vitaklenz (oral capsules)
- 2nd week of having one Grapefruit-Seed-Extract mouthwash and 2 drops of oil of oregano under my tongue before bed ( Both of these cause extreme die off, even now after 2 weeks they still have effect)
- I have tried mixing the times of my 3 daily capsules. Sometimes 10 mins before a meal, sometimes half an hour before. If I take it half an hour before then the die off is worse. If i take it ten minutes before then I feel a lot better after the meal than usual. Maybe because the fennel puts the parasites or whatever the hell they are in a sleepy state and lets my food get digested
- I take lactase enzyme which helps me to digest lactose products without any flatulence or headaches. Or maybe it just stops the parasites getting to it and I am not lactose intolerant. I get awful wind of tinned fish aswell
My results:
- Yesterday the top muscle in my abs went rock solid and started to go all tense. I started poking it and it felt like something was there inside biting it but when I pressed hard it wiggled then let go
- This morning I woke up and my nose was blocked. I started really exhaling hard through the left nostril which saw then started to let out blood. But it wasnt a nose bleed, it was like goo. The blood just came out in little batches and was not runy at all
- I have had varying types of snot and whatever coming out my nose for the last few weeks. Sometimes hard and worm shaped. Sometimes gooey, sometimes like ordinary snot, sometimes like white goo.
- When exhaling through my nose I sometimes start to see stars and feel feint
- I used to get a pressure in my nose, it felt like it was right at the front at the tip of my nose even. Since cleansing, and most particularly when I started using Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and O of O this pressure has slowly moved up my nose and into my forehead. I now get it all around my head and at the back, almost in my neck
- There is a hell of a lot of twitching going on in my stomache and mid section, I am also gettin aches in my legs
- Yesterday it felt like I pulled the muscle in my neck, but i hadnt strained it at all. It slowly came on though through the day, by the night time it felt like i had twisted really sharp and strained it. Gone within 2 days
- First few days of cleansing saw me passing a white filmy liquid in my wind and excrement. The wind was severe. This has now returned for the last few days, although not as bad as at first.
- The ringing in my ears I get at night is slowly easing up as each day passes
- Last week I passed a few little black specks, the next day i passed a few more that had small yellow (1mm long) strings coming out of them
- I also passed a lot of white speckles during the first few days of my cleanse
Im sure this isnt everything, there is lots going on at the moment, but I feel I am defnitely getting a lot better. My diet is more healthy and is comfortable with natural sugars, wheat and all foods, coffee is a problem to my gut though.
If people read and reply I will continue to update this with my results from what I have forgot to mention and what else happens in the future.
Can anyone advise on how im best using Iodine which i plan to use after this herbal cleanse?
So what does everyone think>? What the hell is in my sinus and my head? In fact theyre all over my body, they make my tip lip go all twitchy and feel like theyre in there too.
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