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Re: Diatomaceous Earth (foodgrade) rid me of intestinal worms/parasites by realeyez ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   7/21/2007 9:27:37 PM ( 18 y ago)
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Hi! I just checked out the Paratrex and it looks like good stuff.

I don't know how long you've been fighting against parasites, from my research the recommended initial dosage for DE is one teaspoon, once a day, if you have no problems with that up the dose.

By the time I started taking DE I had already killed quite a few worms, and gone through the awful side effects of worm kill off, so the DE was nothing. I've been taking three heaping tablespoons twice a day with out any problem. But I'm going to cut back because I don't need as much now.

Listen to your body, but if you're not having a negative effect with the DE, don't be afraid to take more of it. If you don't take enough, the DE won't kill the worms, just irritate them.

A couple people have messaged today that DE doesn't work. The DE doesn't kill off everything immediately, it kills them slowly, so you need to be patient and consistent with it; don't miss a day in your doses.

I know the worms are very sensitive to the DE, because when I take the stuff, even holding it in my mouth before I swallow, I feel the worms slither about. After minutes, the worms slither to get out of the way of the DE.

DE shouldn't be taken with nutrients, because it may absorb some of the nutrients. I have also read that it helps to absorb heavy metals. Most humans that can't rid themselves of parasites/worms by taking powerful herbs and what not probably have an access of heavy metals in their bodies. parasites love heavy metals. Until the metals are gone (& the human stops exposing themselves to ingestions of the metals) the parasites will stick around in the body and thrive.

Here are just a few links- there are quite a few on the Internet.

"DE has been reported in the scientific literature to absorb methyl mercury, E. coli, endotoxins, viruses (including poliovirus), organophosphate pesticide residues, drug residues, and protein, perhaps even the proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections."

From this website:


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