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Detoxing Flourides by UserX ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   7/17/2007 8:10:53 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,798

My teeth have always been yellow. A few months ago I spiked really high with the Iodine. A few days later, one of my front teeth appeared to be a little whiter than the other one. I wondered if the Iodine was cleaning the flouride out of my teeth.

I admit it folks. I'm an extremist. When I am on a cleansing binge, I don't stop until psychological catastraphe is at hand. There are some very aggressive parasites in my system and I have to be as mean and determined as they are in order to survive. When I spike, my goal is to push 'em back, push 'em back, way, way, way, back, much to the dismay of my friends, relatives and forum acquaintances. I won't stop until they stop biting me, even if I turn into a whiny cry baby nut case and nobody can stand me any more. I would not be such an extremist if the alternative didn't seem to be certain death. I go after them because I can feel them coming after me. When they start biting me, I hit the medicine hard.

Anyways, a couple of days ago, I just finished spiking again, and today I'm noticing my front tooth seems whiter again. Is it possible to get the flouride out of your teeth, and make them whiter with Iodine?! Am I hallucinating? Is something else causing this? If my teeth have been saturated yellow with flouride since grade school, how/why did I still get cavities?

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