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The EPA is going to find a safe level for rocket fuel because too much is bad for us. by been there done that ..... Abuse Support Forum

Date:   6/16/2007 9:18:23 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,458

The full article can be found at:

but I thought rocket fuel was not part of the American dream (silly me!)

Aerospace contractor pays Californians $1,000 to eat thyroid toxin in first large-scale human test of water pollutant

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. -- On behalf of military contractor Lockheed Martin, Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical researchers and Environmental Working Group condemned as morally unethical and scientifically invalid.

The Los Angeles Times reported Nov. 27 that Loma Linda Medical Center in San Bernardino is paying 100 people $1,000 to eat a dose of perchlorate every day for six months. Perchlorate is a toxic component of rocket fuel that damages thyroid function, preventing healthy development of fetuses and children and causing cancer. It is found in hundreds of water supplies in California, most of them in Los Angeles and surrounding counties. Although Loma Linda researchers defended their study by claiming that perchlorate also has therapeutic value, EWG has learned that its use as a medicine has been discredited since 1966, when Israeli researchers reported that large doses caused deaths and severe illness among already-ill test subjects.

The Times quoted Richard Wiles, research director of Environmental Working Group, who said, "These tests are inherently unethical." (Documents from the Loma Linda study are available here.) "It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to know that medical researchers shouldn't feed toxic chemicals to humans," Wiles added.

The Loma Linda subjects are being fed up to 83 times the "safe" level of perchlorate currently set by the state health department, which is expected to review its perchlorate standards in coming months. Next year, the U.S. EPA will begin national testing of water supplies for percholorate in preparation for adopting national standard

I think that Bush's approval rating is now down to about 28% (the trust rating of lawyers is the same...28%). All of the corporation realize now that they can get away with exactly what Bush has been doing to this country since he was "elected".
This artical is about all of the chemicals found in breast milk.

Summary. In the month leading up to a baby's birth, the umbilical cord pulses with the equivalent of at least 300 quarts of blood each day, pumped back and forth from the nutrient- and oxygen-rich placenta to the rapidly growing child cradled in a sac of amniotic fluid. This cord is a lifeline between mother and baby, bearing nutrients that sustain life and propel growth.

Not long ago scientists thought that the placenta shielded cord blood — and the developing baby — from most chemicals and pollutants in the environment. But now we know that at this critical time when organs, vessels, membranes and systems are knit together from single cells to finished form in a span of weeks, the umbilical cord carries not only the building blocks of life, but also a steady stream of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides that cross the placenta as readily as residues from cigarettes and alcohol. This is the human "body burden" — the pollution in people that permeates everyone in the world, including babies in the womb.


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