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Re: Day 14 - Low Sugar Diet by kathryn101 ..... Weight Loss Forum

Date:   5/23/2007 5:31:29 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   1,209

roooth...I just wanted to touch bases with you again...I check in every day
or so to see if you've posted and see how you're doing.

My husband and I are on day 16...he's lost 14 pounds and I've lost 10 total...but I
had lost 6 pounds before we started the diet...when I did a detox. I have slipped
a few times...and had a coke with supper...that's my weakness. But I'm on track
now...and totally leaving off the coke.

Before I mentioned you'd like to get rid of your tummy. We live in
the country...and I just don't like to get out and go a lot and would never go to
a gym...even if I I have a exercise room...and have a trampoline...and just recently bought an Ab Lounger. I'm
telling you the truth...that Ab Lounger is worth it's weight in gold if you want to
tighten up a flabby tummy. When we first got it...I would do 100 stretches on it
in the morning...and again in the afternoon...and I saw big results in less than
a week. I gave $99 for ours...and it was worth every penny. I think you said you
'do' go to a surely they have something similar there...if not...try to
scrounge pennies and get you one. We got mine at Walmart.

When we started our diet 16 days ago...we decided we were going to totally give
up sugary...dairy and white flour items. It's the only way to go if you have
a hard time losing weight. Because if you 'half' do're just sabotaging
your own diet progress. Now I have to tell you, we are or were...totally addicted
to sweets. On any given 'normal' day...before we began this diet...we'd have such
a healthy eating DAY...but after a healthy supper...we'd always have a big bowl of
ice cream....or a big piece of cake or pie...or even more than 'a piece'. :-)

So we sat down and talked about this...and we said we were just going to go cold turkey...on sweets, breads and dairy...and get this weight loss over with...and then
try to eat healthy and not eat so 'many' sweets later. We have no intention of
totally giving up cake or pie OR ice cream. :-)

We have a 3 day trip coming up this weekend...and my husband just asked me last
night...what all I wanted to do on this trip. We're not mall shoppers...but I like
junking...and browsing old book stores...and he likes the motorcycle races...that's
what we're going for in the first place...the races. (Now we're not bikers, mind
you...we're a retired middle class couple...who likes to travel on a motorcycle...
but we have a Honda...I wouldn't be caught dead on a Harley...because of the 'stigma' that goes with Harley riders...We're more like Ward and June Clever on
a motorcycle...there's a big difference.) ;-) ANYWAY...I said, "Since the race
on Friday and Saturday is a night race...on ONE of those days...I'd like to go to
Steak & Shake and have a big bowl of ice cream. :-) Now how many people plan
3 or 4 days in advance that they're going to have "a bowl of ice cream"? :-)

Sugar...and high carb foods...even those bagels, and muffins...will cause you to
retain fluid...and hamper your weight loss. You'll lose much faster...and even
feel better if you'll do a very low carb diet...with salads, low carb veggies like
braised bell peppers, onions, celery...or broccoli, brussel sprouts...cauliflower...
asparagus. And then be reasonable with your meat. Just have a piece about the size
of the palm of your hand. I told you in the post below...that on the nights we
have rib eye steak...I buy the round ones and we split one steak. But if you'll
have a little protein...a little low carb veggie and just about 1/4 cup of brown
rice with your lunch and supper...that will keep your Sugar level and you won't
crave at all....and at breakfast...have a few boiled egg yolk...and a
little protein...bacon if you want it.

We've tried the Atkins diet so many times...but you says.."All you can
eat"...and being big eaters...we always ate..."all we could eat"...that didn't work...because we LOVE to eat. And we ate wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. THIS TIME...we're being very reasonable...and keeping our portions within reason. Plus
we had been eating the way Owen suggested for months and months and we had gotten
used to portion control...and eating healthy...except for our evening snack. So
that alone...made this much easier.

If you get hungry...snack on cucumbers...or eat a little asparagus. They're both
natural diuretics...and will help with your weight loss...Plus curb your appetite.
Surely you can even carry those to work with you in a little container...and have
them handy. Or a little container of almonds at your desk would be good to curb
your appetite. And they're so good for you.

You asked in a post about 2 weeks ago if getting rid of constipation would make
you lose weight...YES!!! That is one of my biggest problems...and one of the reasons my health is not what it could be. I just have the laziest colon/bowel
in the world. :-/ And I've studied natural healing for 30 years and KNOW all the
right things to do...but nothing seems to work for me.
This is gross...but I was complaining a couple of nights ago because my husband
has lost 14 pounds and I've only lost 4 (since we began this diet) and he said...
"Well if you'd take a good laxative, you'd probably drop 12 or 15 pounds
overnight." :-0 But that's the truth.
What goes in...must come out, you know...because if it doesn't...we're absorbing
all those toxins that stay in the colon. YUCK!!!

Sorry I was so long. That's why I don't post a lot anymore...I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyyy
too informative. :-)

Good luck...and I'll be watching for your next update. kathryn


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