Re: I have done the flush with no extra water and had a similar experience to you. by PhilosophicalCat ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 5/20/2007 11:58:36 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,467
Hiya Sophie 19!
Congratulations on your first flush!
To detoxify (the liver will release lots of toxins during the flush, that is really important, notice the acid bms even with enemas?) here are some things you can do to reduce brain fog, pimples, nausea and other symptoms of toxins floating in your system looking for the door out (show them several doors!):
1. Oil swishing. 1 tablespoon of olive oil (sesame seed is better), put it in your mouth, swish for 20 minutes to 30 minutes and spit it out in the toilet. Follow with Sea Salt if you have it, and then brush your mouth, gums, roof of mouth, and teeth with baking soda. The oil will turn white with toxins. Also, your gums, lips and teeth will benefit from absorbing the oil and from brushing with baking soda.
2. Dry skin brush: If you have a soft natural bristle brush, use it to brush all the surfaces of your skin. Start with your feet (circular motions around the ankles), long strokes on the legs, circle around the knees, straight strokes up the thighs, straight strokes on the hands and arms, circular strokes around the elbows and shoulders, straight strokes on the back, circular strokes on the lower then upper belly. Makes sure you scrub all the lymphatic areas: upper thighs, armpits, around the chest area, very gently around the neck. If it feels good, scrub that area longer. It helps move the lymph through the lymph system, and helps the toxins in the lymph move out. The feeling of well-being which follows is more than worth the time and effort.
3. Massage with oil of your choice (I recommend coconut oil). Go through the same motions as with dry skin brushing, only rubbing oil into the skin. Good oils (organic, cold pressed) are olive oil, sesame seed oil, safflower oil, but best is coconut oil. You can add any good-smelling essence to the oil if you mix it well first. This also aids the lymph system in moving toxins out, plus makes healthy oils available to the liver to help dump old, stagnant oil, as the good oil is absorbed through the skin.
4. Detox bath. 1 cup of epsoms's salts, 1 cup of baking soda, a few drops of any essence or oil you like (I like lavendar). Put the two powders in a stainless steel bowl, float it in a really hot bath, pour boiling water into the bowl and watch it fizz like crazy. Then when that's done, tip all of it into the bath water. Soak in the bath water for 20 - 30 minutes, as long as you can stand it. Follow with a cool shower for about 1 minute to stop the detoxing through the skin (otherwise you might have skin problems like pimples later). Then have a nap. Heavenly! Just do as much as you feel comfortable with, you will be weak after the liver flush.
4. Drink lots of water. This is the most important thing. At least 8 glasses in the day following the flush (the day the stones come out).
To avoid nausea and other problems in the next flush:
1. Cut up lots of ginger root into foods the day before and the day of your flush. If you don't have root, use powder or drink ginger tea. Ginger reduces nausea.
2. Drink LOTS of water! Drink 8 glasses a day for at least 3 days before, and 8-12 glasses the day of the flush and the day after. Water moves toxins out rapidly, reducing strain on the kidneys and skin. It also prevents dehydration and nausea during and following the flush.
3. Sounds like you need to do a Colon Cleanse and a parasite cleanse (?). Enemas are great. Do an enema the day before the cleanse and a day or 2 after the cleanse.
4. Epsom Salts relax muscles in the body, including a muscle which controls a kind of sphincter combining the pancreas and main liver ducts, so you definitely need it before the flush. It helps remove stones after the flush by pulling water from surrounding tissues into the intestines, which activates the peristalsis action of the intestines. You need this action to remove stones. Enemas are good for removing stones in the lower part of the large intestines, but you need to move them out of the small intestine as well. Oxypowder will do this for you after the flush, if you prefer it. But I think keeping the sphincter relaxed is beneficial for a day after the stones come out, as they sometimes take a day or two to pass out of your system.
5. Taking magnesium supplements for a few days before the flush helps prevent constipation due to low magnesium levels in the body. You could add magnesium sulfate ( Epsom Salts are a form) to your food or water (a little each time is unnoticable), magnesium oxide is easily obtainable in pill form from pharmacies, or magnesium citrate from the drug store.
6. Detox, detox, detox!
Tsetsi's mini-flush (your link):
I've done it, using lemons and oranges instead of limes, with good results. Others have reported getting rid of stones and all kinds of toxic matter. I didn't experience this, but I found my liver loved it. After a flush, you might notice twinges or similar feelings in the liver area, especially 1/2 way down the inside edge of your liver. This is where the main liver duct exits the liver. I'd guess it's pretty sore, after the rapid passage of so many stones and acids, and it might be a little inflamed. Tsetsi's mini-flush seems to reduce this feeling. The raw egg yolks contain lots of vitamin B (helpful with liver tissue regeneration), healthy cholesterol (so the liver can dump old stagnant cholesterol), and lecithin (which helps lower the melting point of cholesterol to body temperature so it doesn't form into stones). Lemon (presumably lime as well) is good for the liver and the kidneys. The healthy oil will also enter the liver after being digested, resulting in a movement of stagnant oils out of the liver. To put it in a nutshell, it made my liver feel better within hours, and increased it's strength so that it could send more stones out in later flushes. It also made my facial skin look clearer and seemed to help my hair. To be safer, I'd suggest adding food-grade hydrochloric acid (5%) to reduce the chance of getting salmonella.
Just my ideas. I hope you can use some of them to make your next experience easier.
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