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Re: The Notion of Reinfection by humaworm ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   2/8/2007 7:49:26 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   4,758

Some parasite eggs are in a very tough casing - this protects them until they can get into a host. Some eggs, like pinworm eggs - can live in the air for up to two days without a host. Other eggs, like pork Tapeworm eggs, can actually sit in a body for YEARS before they hatch and start to infect.

Yes - cleaning out the body will clean out the eggs too. The only herbal that will penetrate and kill parasite eggs is cloves. Cloves contain the chemical eugenol - the eugenol is what kills the eggs AND the larvae INSIDE of the eggs.

This is why things like the OTC 2 dose pinworm treatment does not work. It might get the bulk of the adults, but it does nothing for the eggs.

When a person is infected with parasites - the eggs come out in the stool - microscopic and unnoticed. This person goes to the restroom, wipes - does not thoroughly wash their hands - then proceeds to touch other objects. The eggs are on their hands and they might be handling food in a restaurant - a shopping cart handle - and so forth and so on.

They are unknowlingly depositing eggs. You or I come along and touch these objects - or eat the salad they just made for us - and BOOM - we are now the proud owner of a parasite infection.

On the other hand - when a person is cleansing - the eggs are flooding out of the body. This is why it is so very important to wash hands and disinfect the bathroom every day during the cleansing process. You don't want to reinfect yourself or run the risk of infecting others.

But then again - regular parasite cleansing will keep any infections down to a minimum. Just my thoughts.

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