Re: Anyone have sore stomach/intestines from lack of bile? by North Coast Man ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 11/23/2006 10:56:51 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 5,484
Oh my gosh! Okay.... I would take a multi-vitamin, on top of taking extra B complex vitamins, E.... basically the whole alphabet!(chuckling!!) I was downing at least a dozen vitamin capsules every morning. Bad!
I would do this for breakfast with little in my stomach and then the train ride to work I would feel like somebody beat me up. It was terrible! I felt like somebody punched me in the stomach as I had a dull pain, eyes all glassy, and then get headaches. Felt like this all day at work. My liver was over working!!!...
So if I were you, I would stop all vitamins immediately and see how you feel for a few days. The day you stop, you should notice a difference, at least I did. Do a Liver Flush and then start eating organic foods rather than mega-dosing. I also suggest taking a good probiotic to get your system back to a good PH level. My chiro got me on Standard Process brand Multizymes and Lact-Enz.
My med doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong as I was trying Prilosec, Ranitidine, etc. Just making things worse! Went to chiro and said.."No more Prilosec!" and gave me the probiotics and have been better ever since.
Hope this helps you!
North Coast Man
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