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Prayer- A Near Death Experience Perspective by rudenski ..... Near Death Experiences Support Forum (NDE)

Date:   11/5/2006 5:25:11 AM ( 18 y ago)
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What each of us prays for affects the world in waves of love(light)or the abscence of it(darkness)but for the most part our prayers are a mixture of grays. I was given an extraordinary gift in a near death experience over 24 years ago. On my return from heaven, I watched from a point right beyond the atmosphere, the world as an organism on the molecelular level. The earth was a fluid like ball of an untold number of molecules that were influenced each by one another. Our thoughts or prayers were the forces that moved, like ripples, affecting the molecules surrounding each molecule. Some ripples combined with other ripples and formed waves that could encompass the whole organism that was the world.

One thing that impressed me about the way things work in this world when I returned to my body was the importance of prayer. Our prayers are what moves everything that moves. Everything we do is a prayer. Each thought we think is a prayer. Our dreams are even prayers. All of our actions are an extension of our prayers. What I also came to understand was that what we pray for is generally in two or the abscence of it....but sometimes the two may meet in the middle and clothe the poor, feed the hungry, and heal the sick. We, each of us, chose to enter this world of death and dying of our own free will because we wanted to taste the absence of love that is death and dying. 1/3rd of the angels did the same. Today we can choose to serve death and dying with our prayers, thoughts, and actions or we can choose to serve that which will never die. Love is all that remains when time is rolled up and dies. To make this experience of living in a sad and dying world a valuable one, an experience that can not be duplicated in timelessness, we should use as much of our prayers(our life)helping clothe, feed, and heal those in need. This organism called earth needs some healing too.

Prayer is one means to connect us and those we pray for to the source of that love that is within each of us who owns a soul or that is a part of the greater soul that is timelessness. We can literally make mountains fall down at our feet or make a car run without an alternator belt...or anything we can imagine... but our prayers can also build mountains of love that will never be torn down. The alternative to choosing love is the abscence of love that limits us to gravity or tearing down. The number one rule about mountains and gravity is that everything confined by time must fall.

Connecting ourselves and others to the light of love connects those we pray for to love that can manifest into the finest clothing, the most delicious meal, and healing for ourself and others. I am praying for all of these things for you this morning. I may spend most of my day serving death and dying today but if I spend even one moment in prayer that is a prayer of love then I have built a bridge that will forever stand and then... when time ends...beyond forever...that prayer of love will remain...who I am...who we are...when this world is no

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