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Re: 2nd flush results and not impressed by John Cullison ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   7/3/2002 2:08:19 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   1,814


The doses of Epsom Salt in the morning are there, I believe, to help you flush out what you pushed out the night before. Otherwise, it will get all compressed into looking like regular fecal matter, and it will be much harder to analyze. (You can see the stones and green globules quite easily when you're emitting mostly fluid...)

In any case, I don't know what the record is for "failed first attempts", but my first one was pretty unimpressive (certainly no pink projectile diarrhea!). I didn't get any large stones until my third flush (and I was "disappointed" until I got the big ones). Then again, your body seems to be a lot more sensitive to the magnesium than mine is, so I doubt a comparison of my experiences and yours is going to do anything but be confusing, since you clearly have different internal issues.

Since you did parasite cleansing but got no parasites (save the one candidate...), I'm kinda interested in it from that view. See, when my wife did herbal parasite cleansing with me, I got great results (well, as much as you can call any results "great"), but she didn't notice a darned thing. Once we got a zapper, however, and started using it, she finally passed parasites in her stool (and we both had gall bladder attacks and other strange things happened).

Then again, maybe you're already relatively free from parasites. It can happen.

Admittedly, recent posts about how successful the flushes people experienced around here has made my flushes seem minor in comparison. I've never pushed out hundreds of stones (that I could detect...). I do get the green bile balls (or protein balls, or whatever). I do get small and large tan stones from time to time. I've gotten other strange things. But, for total volume or count, I'm nowhere near the massive numbers of things that other people have described.

But, then I realize that this isn't a pooping contest (*snicker*), and that my body's going to do what my body's going to do -- which is virtually guaranteed to differ from everyone else in some way.

Take care,



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