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Re: liver flushing good or bad? by hopinso ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   10/17/2006 10:31:15 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,332

The purpose of Liver Flushing is to rid the gallbladder and liver of accumulated stones and other toxic residue that is causing congestion, hampering bile flow, and thus causing any number of problems. A congested liver can cause problems as varied as gas and bloating, allergies, hormone imbalances, skin problems, migraine headaches, and emotional issues. Liver Flushing is just a way to force the gallbladder to contract and release its contents, and force the liver to push out more bile and whatever might be congesting the biliary ducts. When done correctly, it is a very effective and safe way to return the liver to its natural function.
It will take changes in diet and lifestyle to prevent the liver from rapidly becoming congested again. Flushing alone will not insure perfect health, but for many people it is a good place to begin.

The pinch of Epsom Salt will have virtually no effect on the liver. Since the magnesium in Epsom Salt is poorly absorbed, most of it goes directly through the gut. Enough ES will cause loose bowels. A teaspoon or two of Epsom Salt can help reduce the pain of a gall bladder attack by relaxing the biliary ducts, this often is enough to relieve pressure of a congested gall bladder, but it will rarely solve the entire problem.

It is true that minerals, especially electrolyte minerals need to be restored after flushing. This is usually done best by drinking plant based minerals found in fresh lemon juice and apple juice. A pinch of Sea Salt is also helpful. Use the two week period between flushes to restore and rebuild the body through a healthy Diet that includes fresh fruit and veggies and healthy plant-based oils. Avoid fried foods, refined foods, all trans fats, and reduce or eliminate animal based foods. Also, its vital to remain well hydrated between flushes. It is also a good time to do Colon Cleanses and a parasite cleanse if necessary.

For some people a Liver Flush is simply a step in improving their health, for others it can change lives completely when pain is reduced, hormone levels are normalized and allergies disappear. There is no good substitute for a Liver Flush when symptoms of gall bladder trouble or congested liver are present.

A better treatment for continuing to cleanse the liver after flushing is to drink the juice of a lemon in hot (not boiling) water everyday, followed by a tablespoon of olive oil. The pinch of Epsom salt will not hurt you, but it will do little if anything for the liver.

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