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Re: What is the highest source of raw protein for us carnivores? by magic_glitter ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   10/17/2006 8:25:09 PM ( 19 y ago)
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Good for you, deciding to get healthy!! Post often on Curezone to keep yourself motivated and to continue learning :)

I'd start the diet changes ASAP. It may actually help the parasite cleanse if you start earlier, because the fruits and veggies will help to get any gunk out of your intestines that may be clinging to the intestinal wall and harbouring parasites and bad bacteria.

If you've never done raw before, you might find it hard - some people do better with a 70% raw, 30% cooked diet. (but all whole, natural foods, not processed stuff). It's up to you!

As for protein, I wouldn't worry about it too much, protein is a building substance, and you're cleansing. You should be focusing on lots of fruits and veggies. And be sure to cut out the processed grains, White Sugar s, and packages stuff, and drink LOTS of water and herbal tea. You can have a few servings of grains in your diet each day, like oatmeal, wild rice, buckwheat and quinoa, but not a lot (maybe 3 servings/day or so) because grains aren't great for weightloss. But the fibre in them will help keep you filled :)

Good vegan protein sources are hemp (seeds and protein powder - the protein powder might be really good at curbing craving for you, you can get it at your local healthfood store. Just make a smoothie out of it with water/rice milk/almond milk and some fruit. Experiment!) A serving of sprouted lentils a day could be good for you as well, or even soaking chickpeas and them whirling them in a food processor/blender to make a raw paste for dipping veggies in. You can flavour the paste with garlic. Raw, soaked nuts, about 10 a day ONLY (or else it causes constipation) are also good sources of protein.

But concentrate on fruits and veggies for cleansing :) If you own a juicer or can get one, that would be GREAT for you. Black and Decker sells a cheap juicer for like $50 at Walmart, and it'll get the job done if you're on a budget. If you like juicing a lot, you can upgrade to a more expensive one. Juice cucumber, celery, lemons, apple, carrots, tomatoes... They'll really help to clean up your insides. I've heard juicing pineapple can help with parasites as well (1/4 of a pineapple a day, it also has enzymes for digestion), but some people are sensitive to pineapple so try it and see. Combine the juices to get a nice flavour, if you like.

Add garlic to your salads - it'll help with parasites as well.

As for the exercise, even just walking for an hour a day will do so much. If you have a treadmill walk on it while you're watching TV or go to the gym and read a magazine while walking, or even better - bundle up and go for a walk outside and get some fresh air :) On the treadmill, once you get better and more fit in a few months increase the incline and you'll build more leg muscle. Don't overdo it with weights and stuff while you're intitally cleansing - light hand weights if you want along with walking will get your body going - but no bodybuilder stuff yet :) Swimming would be great also if you want to.

But most of all, be patient :) This is a journey. Good luck!!

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