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Re: ugh.. dr clark on pets. by #47229 ..... Animals & Pets Health Support

Date:   6/5/2005 10:04:57 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,316

Thank you guys for all your support. Ever since I talked with my parents and went to visit their chiropractor and got tested for parasites, I've been preoccupied with the subject. I currently have some health issues I'm dealing with (uterine fibroids) but, they have nothing to do with parasites. My parents, out of their ignorance, think it does. So, they've put everything in one basket (especially now that they've pinned this recent sudden health scare they had on me bringing parasites into their home) and have told me, it's because I have a dog who is making me sick and "now it's affecting us".

I'm looking for more info about parasites in pets and how best to keep from getting seriously infected by them. I'm right in the middle of Eboni's parasite cleansing program from Dr. Clark's book. Haven't seen her pass anything off yet but, we'll see after another couple weeks.

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