Re: What's Going On? by duneseaprod ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 10/3/2006 9:58:51 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,809
I don't know where you live but you could search out a chiropractor who practices kinesiology. Don't guess with your body. Learn a method where you can talk to it and ask it what it wants. They have test kits which can accurately identify if you have mercury, arenic, cadmium, lead, copper, or any other metal which do also affect sleep. Also they can test for macroscopic and microscopic parasites and doing a 1 month parasite cleanse now and then does not do the job. Also they can tell you via muscle testing if you are reacting to the supplements you are taking or if you are sensitive to anything you are eating. Chlorella does a terrible job at chelating metals. They break free from the bond very easily and then go to you kindey or liver or lung. I've tested chlorella nd people with liver issues have problems with it. Others do not. You need Liver Cleansing herbs while you take chlorella to mop up what gets freed up in the liver. I like PCArx because it muscle tests good and does not allow reabsorbtion. It utilizes chlorella, lipoic acid( crosses brain barrier) and bacteria to isolate metals and remove them via the bowel through lymph and bile. Also, Waiora cellular defense (liquid zeolite)muscle tests very well against metals. If you had worms your digestion would be compromised in most cases. What time you have the sweats is very important because it relates to the chinese clock. Liver issues 1-3am, lung issues 3-5am, large intestine issues 5-7am. Mercury issues often have watery nightmares (liquid metal) and depair is the primary emotion attached to the yin metal(water metal.) Each metal has a unique effect on the mind/emotions. Learn to talk to your body! Its the easiest way you can achieve health or else your just guessing. We live in a toxic world. Liver Flushing by itself cannot cure everything. We have to keep up with the critters which are evoling faster and faster dues to factory farms and internaltional food supplies. I have previously healthy people coming to me all the time with digestive issues. I test them and they are showing tropical amoebas, japanese parasites, worms from India, all at once even though they have not traveled. The fish in the oceans and land are inedible now because they are so toxic with metals that their immunew system is now weak and the worms then grow inside them more easily. I blame sushi, exotic fruit, and contaminated water prayed onto crops. I blame organic factory food because the manure is from animals that were unhealthy and loaded with eggs. The body can adapt to one or two critters but the compounding effect of so many species overwhelms the immune system. I don't know if this will help you figure out the issues your dealing with. It's what I know and has worked for me.
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