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Re: Fiance slapped me with prenup by KarenMarie ..... Relationship Support Forum

Date:   6/29/2005 1:50:34 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   7,432

I trust that you're not about the money. You clearly state that. But, might it be the security? Is there something else? Lots of things come along when marrying someone with money or a business.

Don't dismiss "salaried" people as having nothing to protect. I have a pre-nup, but it was more of a disclosure. We both had things to "protect" so to speak so we made a list of "Here's what I have going in, here's what you have going in." We both wanted it and it is really something between us; no lawyers were involved.

The fact that this pre-nup is 19 pages and full of "tricks." Do you really need advice on what to do? I think his message is clear. Also, he's obviously not over his past dramas b/c if he were he'd know in his hear whether or not he trusted you and your intentions.

That's my two cents.



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