Question for Parazapper & Challenge: by vtool ..... Zapper Support Forum
Date: 12/26/2005 4:56:45 AM ( 20 y ago)
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Quoting Parazapper: "I agree completely. However, there is a new step in zapping that goes beyond normal zapping. This is Total body zapping.
One of the limitations of zapping and of the Beck protocol is that neither tries to include the entire body. This is the objective of total body zapping. Zap the entire body, not just half, or across from shoulder to shoulder, or not just from one foot to one shoulder."
Please explain to me Total Body Zapping. I consult with some medical research scientists with ongoing research in zapping and electromedicine, some of whom have gotten multimillion dollar grants for their past research, and one of which is formerly with the NIH or National Institutes of Health. I'd like to share this information with them, and quiz them about it. I haven't been told of it so far. I use Dr. Hulda Clark 's plate zapping with the Fscan II imprinter and anatomy slides, which anyone can do with an adaptable zapper, but I have never heard of "TOTAL BODY ZAPPING". Please explain???
Lastly, I posted the FREE movie on Dr. Bob Beck's well researched, well documented PROVEN protocols, which I am NOW using for a total of 2 months at this point against my VIRAL TB, which I have used the Fscan II and specific frequencies or frequency specific zapping to treat for well over a year, and had started with general zapping before that... with previous and on going consult with two different medical researchers in the feilds of electronic medicine, Rife, Clark, etc. In fact, they were all at the same conference last year with Dr. Clark in attendance, teaching, sharing research, methods, etc.
Also, you are incorrect and wrong about the Beck protocol. The MPG5 or any magnetic pulser is for localized treatment of the lymphs, kidneys, spleen, liver, etc. any organ that may be affected by parasites, and with ONE PULSE is proven (oscillating magnetic feilds) via U.S. Patents to NEUTRALIZE microbes present -
one or more of these devices (?) are a CLASS 2 Medical device in Canada.
When one follows the Beck protocols properly, they GET the entire LYMPH path and any organs that could be harboring microbes or pathogens or parasites they want to "neutralize" or KILL. Simple.
I've been doing it for 2 months now, and have never felt better. I do not SELL anything health or medical related period. I am in no way connected with any company or product line, unlike you, PERIOD. I am someone who get VERY sick, who as a PROFESSIONAL managing HEALTH and MEDICAL CARE for years, and who hired and fired doctors, sometimes on behalf of the State or GOVERNMNENT (as licensed to do so). I operated a small nursing facility. I know more than the average joe, and have some experience,,, but when it comes to zapping, frequency specific zapping, and electromedicine, I probably have more experience personally, daily using it, and so on, than 99.9% of the planet, and I am here to share about that experience, and there are PLENTY of people SUFFERING out there, and who need something QUICK, powerful, and UTTERLY effective. Zapping is great, general zapping has it's place, but Dr. Hulda Clark herself has the specific frequency lists and charts for frequency specific zapping and PLATE ZAPPING instructions, protocols, etc. for a REASON... because it's the BETTER WAY TO GO than just general zapping or using anything LESS than a FREQUENCY GENERATOR. There are good frequency generator's that can be programmed to any set of frequencies, targeting specific pathogens for around $300-$400, and even cheaper ones with "keys", that are like $15 a peice, which are Class 1 Licensed Medical Devices in Germany.
I hope this helps us all, and I look forward to your explanation about "Total Body Zapping".
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