Mindset by blueskyz ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 9/16/2003 9:17:09 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,327
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=644242
You are tough on yourself! Some excellent suggestions, all of which will help you with your mindset, which is really the place to start. If you know you won't make it before you even begin, then you won't! So if it seems daunting, then ease into it more slowly, so you feel like it's do=able. And you still might not make it all 10 days - LOL, you won't be the first that quit early and started again later - and you won't be the last!
DO DO read all these threads - there is very powerful and supportive information in them that will help you immensely. We ARE a support group, basically - a place where we can learn and assist each other.
I suggest you read these two threads: DAY 8 AFTER A ROUGH NIGHT (hopinso) and Katie and Quill's stories under WHY I'M DOING THIS (intro/open invite) - Quill is on round two, and I think Katie is too. If not, she's on round one and feeling like she's swimming upstream.
Above all, be gentle with yourself! You know, you believe what you hear and you believe what you tell yourself. So fake it, and eventually you won't be. When you hear yourself say "i'm pathetic" switch to something more positive, for instance, "i'm fantastic!" Look for reasons why that is true - however small you feel they might be! Here's another one for you: can you look yourself in the mirror - directly: and say "I'm a great human being!" and not look away or feel stupid while you do it?
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