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Re: Low fecal S-IgA and Ph? by natalie ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   10/7/2003 6:56:17 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   2,251

Sorry I automatically think that low is alkaline. Mine was 28. The reference range for 'normal' is 44-188. So I am a bit acidic!!! I thought you needed an acidic bowel? So being too acidic can affect flora as well. Tricky thing this body and getting it all the organs, enzymes etc to function together.

You don't see much info about citrobacter freundii. I remember this Dr saying that citrbacter was normal flora. I don't think so!!!!! It apparently is the same as salmonella and its funny that I have recurring salmonella on 'lab' stool cultures but never this bacteria.

Does this goat protein powder improve gut immunity. I suppose things like glutamine, probiotics, improving liver function, parasite cleanse are just some of the things I can do- right?



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