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Re: very depressed and stressed today -very long!!!! by #162391 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   5/31/2003 6:28:10 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   2,157

Hi Sammy,

Sounds like you have reached a major turning place in your life with all the frustrations and nothing good happening. My heart goes out to you as I have had some difficulties too but I don't want to even suggest I know what you are going through. Sometimes in life we just need a big hug and someone to let us know things will get better.

I came to curezone about this time last year with lots of stress and even more physical pain, it looks as if you are on a great path to finding relief as you take charge of cleaning out you body and allowing it to heal. I was in a position that I had to do the liver cleanse or have surgery and was pretty afraid of both. It was through the many encouraging post that I found the courage along with the faith that God had brought me to this place as it wasn't just an accident that I stumbled on Curezone.

I can't even tell you the aftereffects of doing my first two liver cleanses, it was like night and day and the Depression and all the negative things gave way to much joy and the knowledge that something this simple can change my whole outlook. It is nothing short of a gift from God. As I have said that was almost a year ago and I am on the road to a healthier life, pain and Depression free. Life can be difficult when there is so much stress and especially if you aren't feeling good physically. I would suggest going ahead with a liver cleanse as I did when doing a parasite cleanse and had no ill effects from it. I had so much energy after the first two back to back cleanses, I thought I could whip the world. You know what, not much gets me down these days as I know there are some wonderful people who will encourage, pray for and help when I need them right here.

I am hoping to do the 9th cleanse sometimes within the next two weeks. My allergies are better since the first cleanse too. Instead of being on medication year around, I only have to take it about 5 months after 28 years of fighting it. I think the medications I have been taking for that has caused several other health issues.

I will be praying for you stress level to be reduced and for your Depression to be lifted. Keep talking about it and get it all out, you will do great and feel much better before long and it is only 7 days before school is out. My son did the smoking thing too and didn't take long to realize he didn't really want that.

God bless and keep us informed,

Charles Hilton


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