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Re: Reincarnation and other random thoughts by janaki ..... Near Death Experiences Support Forum (NDE)

Date:   10/5/2005 9:12:08 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,378

Thanks again Rudenski. I read your post twice, so I can see where you edited. I felt I understood the first time, but of course some things are more clear now.

For some reason your initial post, and the way you presented and suggested to "read with your soul" really helped to open me up, and I've been feeling quite closed lately. So thank you again for that.

There seems to be a lot of information about reincarnation, but not so much on the soul in-between incarnations (so to speak). This is what I'm really curious about. One account that has really stood out in my mind is close to the back of the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" where his guru dies (leaves his body) but returns energetically at some point later to tell him what things are like "beyond". The guru describes souls at different levels of awareness and once you achieve "enlightenment" at one level, you just move to another level. The guru said that his job was to help those who had already been enlightened transition to the next level. It's quite interesting stuff, though the whole book is not so great.

I think I can understand your feelings of frustration, it feels like my work in this lifetime is to work with frustration, but maybe not in exactly the same way as you. I feel like the people around me are mirroring possible ways to live life, and I can see elements of myself in each of them (as they are showing me), yet I can also see in each case that this is not truly how I want to live. It's like each person brings certain things out in me, but it is never quite the full picture and I wonder some days if I need to live a life removed from everyone around me so that I can be a full expression of myself. I don't know if this makes sense.

I'd like to know how you "felt" as an orb of light waiting to return to your body, lining up for a mission. Maybe you described this in another post somewhere, if you did, let me know and I'll read it there. I'd like to know what that consciousness feels like, stripped of the everyday consciousness or the veils that we have when we sit in these bodies. How do we, as souls, relate to one another in this state? I think a NDE is most definately telling you that you have additional things to work on and that there's a good reason to be here. I think also that a different consciousness was revealed to you indicates that you were meant to integrate that somehow, otherwise you might have returned to your body and not remembered a thing.

Something that a friend said to me once really resonates deeply for me. I was wondering why I had had a particularly difficult experience and she said, "maybe the only reason that you had it was so that you could understand it and could help other people with it". In line with your beautiful comments on love and giving, I wonder sometimes if this is the only reason for any experience. If we have written the future already, then WHY bother to experience it? This is the only thing that makes sense to me at times.

Have a beautiful day!


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