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Parasites??? by Sharon ..... Epilepsy & Seizures

Date:   4/20/2002 12:30:25 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   3,175

From: "magena25"
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 12:23:06 -0400
Subject: [epilepsycured] Re: DeEtte/Parasites???

DeEtte Writes in part:

>Is there anything that makes you think that would be it (parasties)? How do you test for them?--

Hi DeEtte,

You wanted to know why I would think that a possibility for Nocturnal Seizures could be parasites. In all honesty, from what I have read, parasites are just one of the many, many, many different causes for Nocturnal Seizues. Anna may not have any parasites at all but please keep in mind that many of the parasites are Nocturnal.

Years ago I use to think that if you kept a clean house, kept a clean environment and kept yourself clean then it would be impossible to contract any parasites at all. Certainly the chances that you Will contract any parasites are reduced to the lowest possible level there still remains that longshot.

I once knew a couple who kept an immaculate home. They were indeed Super Clean folks. However one day a dog with mange came into their yard and the man scooped up the dog and took it to the Vetanarien for treatment. He left the dog at the Vet's and returned home and took a bath.

Approx. "3" Nights later when he went to bed he began having crawling sensations on his body. The next Night when he went to bed the crawling sensations were more intense.

Finally he went to the Doctor, who referred him to a Dermatologist, who discovered he had contracted Scabies form the Sarcoptic Mites which were on the dog. (Sarcoptic Mites do their work primarily at Night.)

Also you wanted to know how to test for parasites and that is something that I don't know the answer to. Nevertheless when I was trying to find a solution to my husbands Epilepsy, I purchased Dr. Hulda Clark 's book " The Cure For All Diseases " and began her protocol with Zapping, Cloves, Wormwood , Black-Walnut Hull Tincher which rids the body of any internal parasites.

I also might mention that I purchased the Cloves, Wormwood , and Black-Walnut Hull's and made my own Capsules and Tincher. At the same time he also began taking Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids which I purchased from the Health Food Stores.

In conclusion DeEtte, I hope this helps and that you are able to get a handle on Anna's problem.

Take Care,


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