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Parasites and Menstrual Cycle by becca007 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   11/5/2003 11:44:25 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   20,166

Just thought I would let the women in the group who may have absent or irregular cycles that I am on day 25 of a parasite cleanse and I am spotting. This is a big deal.....I have PCOS and have had maybe 4-5 periods on my own, without hormones of some kind. I haven't had a period in 4 years. I have used herbs of various kinds and didn't get a cycle. I stopped using the hormones because they side effects were severe. Maybe my system was clogged and the herbs couldn't work properly...who knows?

I *heard* that parasites can really mess with our reproductive systems and I believe that now.

I am still working on the parasite issue and I am sure if I concentrate on the liver that I will have even better results.

Hope this helps someone.

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