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Re: "Worms" Dream?? by AYEHASHERAYEH ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum

Date:   3/17/2004 9:36:07 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   12,160

I have never used parasite cleansing herbs nor Clarkia but I can venture that as most effective mixtures, it contains an herb called Wormwood which is one of the most active ingredients in dispelling worms. Wormwood 's main constituent is thujone a chemical related to t.h.c. (marijuana active ingred.)and sage also has thujones come to think of it. It is also suggested to be a mild euphoric? perhaps wrongly classified by some as hallucinogen. Wormwood was and is processed into an alcohol mix called absinthe popularized and made famous by many artists, such as Van Gogh and Edgar allen poe. It reportedly gives a euphoric feeling that neutralizes drunkeness. SO you can imagine that this would provide clarity or increased clarity of consciousness in its interaction with those critters inside you. Perhaps along with parasites you are releasing pent up emotions also that may reside in the intestines and internal organs. Perhaps the worms are having near death experiences as they meet there maker and you experience them too. Good luck with your cleansing.


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