Re: Parasite Cleanse questions, need quick reply! by PhilosophicalCat ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 6/28/2006 1:31:15 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,759
You sound like you're taking similar supplements as me. I also take organic wild-crafted Oil of Oregano to kill some kinds of parasites, mainly fungus. After doing some searching in CureZone and elsewhere on the net, I found out that this cheap, long-lasting tincture also kills other parasites and might help with the larger, visible ones as well. Just an idea.
I am not an expert. I am just an explorer, like yourself. You might take a look at PTree's messages, she IS an expert and her messages are quite informative, especially about P&B shakes.
PTree's Famous Posts on Colon Cleansing and B&P's:
What I'm telling you is mostly based on my own experience and surfing; you should confirm it elsewhere.
1) My main goal is the liver cleanse, and I'm planning a series of 12 - 15 flushes before I re-evaluate. I will not stop until my arthritus, migraines, and allergies are gone and I've had 3 clear flushes (no stones at all). After that, I will switch to bi-annual flushes for maintenance. So I decided to do them on a monthly basis, and work the other cleanses around this. So, my overall goal is different from yours, and that makes a difference in my schedule compared to yours.
I did the P&B shakes for a full month to "clear the pipes downstream" so that toxins and critters will have a clear path out, or as clear as I can make it in this time period. I would suggest something similar for you, as I've had good results from the P&B shakes, Clarkia , and Liver Cleanses so far, and I think they work well together without the scheduling getting too crazy.
I find if I do 3 P&B shakes, I get bloated, unless I drop a meal. I think 2 P&B shakes are good for getting your bowel eliminating on a regular basis (3-5 times a day for me), but that is not enough for serious mucoid plaque removal. So a minimum of 3 a day, 4 if you can manage the timing, for plaque removal. With 4, you might consider changing one or two of your meals to a juice meal rather than solids, otherwise you might have trouble with bloating. But make sure you keep at least one solid meal with lots of fiber to maintain the peristalsis (sp?)action of the intestines, and your nutrition.
If you are already getting lots of mucoid plaque, then you are probably at a good dosage now. I would keep doing that.
As for how many weeks or months you should take P&B shakes, I think I read somewhere that 6 months is ok, but after that you should take a break. Some people have continued them longer. Personally, I think you should take a few days' break whenever you get too bloated. As soon as you stop getting mucoid plaque, you should stop and only do them a few times during the year for maintenance.
As for the Clarkia , you can take as many as 20 drops 3 times a day. They recommend 10 drops 3x a day on the top of the label, but if you keep reading (or look at their website) you'll find that they suggest increasing to the higher dosage if your body doesn't react badly. If you take too much Clarkia , you'll get headaches and ringing in the ears, so just listen to your body.
2) I'm guessing that you are talking about doing the P&B shakes and Clarkia cleanses until all signs of toxins are clear, or at least until the 11 week Clarkia cleanse is finished. I agree that you should wait until the Clarkia cleanse is complete, and then I think the CoQ10 would be beneficial right after at tackling tapeworm, which Clarkia can't eliminate on it's own. The P&B shakes should be continued until there is no sign of mucoid plaque in your stools, which could be months, and they would actually help to remove toxins from dying tapeworm. There is more info on this in the parasite section of CureZone, especially in the section on Clark's book. Clark has a good program for killing both Ascaris and tapeworm.
3) I followed Clarkia's suggestion for increasing the dosage a drop at a time until I got to 8 drops 3x a day, and then I realized that my body was handling the dosage fine but I was only beginning to see visible results (Ascaris and liver flukes). So I increased the dosage by 3 drops 3x/day until I got to 20. So, because of the slow start, I had slow results. It's hard to tell what caused the changes, but by a month I was beginning to feel more energetic and not so hungry (I was absorbing more of my food's nutrients because less was being stolen by the critters). I noticed smaller improvements before then, mostly a clearing of the mind, an increase in energy and general sense of well-being, and fewer mysterious twitches and itchy flareups around my body, maybe a week or two before that time. The biggest improvements came with my first liver flush, which followed my first CoQ10 dosage by 24 hours and caused the release of a surprisingly large number of visible critters. I can only imagine what was happening with microscopic parasites.
The following month I experimented with the Clarkia dosage and increasing the P&B shakes and amount of Psyllium powder per shake to 2 tsps 3x/day and noticed more improvements about a week into that month. However, I kept eating 3 meals a day with 3 P&B shakes and ran into problems with bloating. I reduced both Clarkia and P&B shakes to the original 20 drops 3x/day and P&B 1 tsp psyllium 3x/day and returned to the progress I had made before I overdid things.
This month, I've maintained the higher dosage of 20 drops 3x/day and noticed that my stomach is starting to flatten. This is only the 2nd week following my 2nd CoQ10 dose and liver flush, so for results to be this fast is surprising.
I don't recommend multiple CoQ10 doses in your case, and in my own case will probably only do one more. Once should be sufficient, and then you can try other of Clark's recommendations. I am limited financially and geographically (I live in Japan and can get these supplements only by the internet) so that is the only reason I'm doing multiple CoQ10 doses. If you take a look at Clark's recommendations, you should be able to deal with the parasites in a more efficient manner.
Other things you could try:
Pumpkin seeds (3 tbsp/day) immobilize some parasites, so they can't move into other areas of the body to escape the Clarkia.
Pineapple, 1 whole fruit (with skin removed) eaten raw or juiced per day, kills tapeworms.
Hope this helped! Best of luck, and let us know how you do!
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