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Re: skin parasites-mop up? by zooii ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   12/25/2005 8:25:00 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,839


I have had parasites in my body for a long time but just got skin parasites as well, so am a newbie to that. I just got them a few months ago. I have done the things you want to try for a long time and after getting the skin parasites as well, and it didn't help at all for me, but might be working for you though. I have an ozonator at home and doesn't work against that. I haven't tried to apply it to my skin yet, but extremely doubtful it will help. I will give it a try though. I have gotten a tiny bit better after washing my bed sheets often, having plastic above the mattress while I sleep, so they wont grab onto the mattress at night. I spray myself with alcohol mixed with water and oregano oil twice a day, and have used DE with oil and put it on my skin, which has helped me being able to sleep at night, not good to use during the day unfortunately unless you like having a very pale skin tone. I have also used the bottles lice R gone etc with peppermint that you can spray on your skin and a conditioner and other spray for the floor and walls as well. Can't remember exact name now, I'm not home, but company is safe solutions I think and they are promotoed all over the place. Don't think that one has helped to much though but other people say they like it. Basically I haven't had anything that has helped much yet and am still looking. The dialoge is more frequent on other sites than curezone when it comes to the skin parasite forum. One person got well in a day when she moved to Hawaii, which sounds like her old house was full of the critters. Some get well fast and it seems people are struggling with it a lot, without getting well, especially the lab made parasites such as morgellons. You can email perhaps if you have other thoughts. I have also gotten a bit better when I eat about 25 bulbs of garlic( a lot I know) but don't do that often because of the smell and couple of days afterwards. Basically topical treatments seems more effective for me. I have only had it for a couple of months but it feels like years since it's almost impossible to sleep when they bite.

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