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Parasites support Forum by #31589 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   10/11/2004 2:18:46 PM ( 21 y ago)
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PLEASE...Can someone help me to identify the so-called 'cotton-balls-and spiders' parasite as seen on page 2 of the Alpha Omega Lab ' parasite Primer' . I have passed them off and on for 3 years, as my health continues to decline.

I have spent hundreds of hours going through websites and visiting university libraries to no avail. Interesting that out of a dozen shelves full of 'parasitology' textbooks/journals, only one or two had photos or 'line drawings' (of very bad quality of course)! How can these books be TEXT ONLY?! No wonder labs can't identify parasites...they've never SEEN any!

On Amazon I see about 50 'medical parasitology/pathology/clinical diagnosis' type books...(that range from $150-$250 ! ) Most of the list is 'out of print' ! There were NO textboks like these at my local university of the largest campuses in the country! So who IS privy to these very expensive, hard-to-find books?! Do any of you have access to this kind of 'atlas' that you could try to look this up for me?

I'm next going to try a university 'used textbooks' store to see if it's any better than the campus library (with its 30-year old 'photo free' textbooks! ) Geez...I just want to see some decent photos so I can identify this thing that is killing me!

The closest I can come to identifying these things is that it could be...maybe... 'Echinococcus Granulosus' or 'Echinococcus Multiocularis' , otherwise known as 'hydatid disease' in which the larvae form 'cysts'. It is classified as a 'cestode', a type of 'dog tapeworm'...although the photos on AO Labs website calls it a nemotode. I contacted AO and found they could be of no help, the herbalist who designed the on-line 'primer' is currently IN JAIL!

I am very, very, VERY concerned...because if this is the parasite I have, it is fatal in 10-15 years if not 'treated' (by surgery or liver transplant! Which is dangerous as rupture of the 'cysts' can cause anaphylactic shock - this may explain why I am SO sick when they pass) 'metastasizes' (travels) from liver to lungs, brain, and even bone...all of which I've had MAJOR long-standing 'inexplicable' trouble with...and I've been sick for about 15 years! I fear my time is short.

Please see my first post, in particular, on the 'CureZone Team/ Everyone Forum #5' for a more detailed description of the parasite and my experiences with Liver Flushes / 'parasite exodus' so far... I am interested in ANY help advice or encouragement anyone can offer. I am weak, broke, tired...and afraid at this point.

I have made an EXTREMELY strong tincture with over 20 ingredients...( nearly fills a 'sun tea' jar - in 64 oz of raw Apple Cider Vinager). I will ultimately let it 'sit' for a month or so, but I am already using some of it I poured off after about a week. We'll see if adding this to my other 'protocols' does any good.

Usually, with herbal parasite/vermifuge products/recipes, I just get horribly nauseated, and get terrible days-long headaches...with no 'results' it only causes them to secrete toxic poison...but doesn't kill or evacuate them!

I am hoping that the high-enzyme, high-C, high lecithin, high fluid/juice routine I am already using (with SOME success in evacuating the parasite) will help metabolize the toxins/discomforts I've had before with 'herbal vermifuge' methods. I am so exhausted with being sick from the parasite...and sick from the methods to remove them! Does anyone EVER FEEL BETTER??

Thanks for your time and thoughts.


PLEASE...Can someone help me to identify the so-called 'cotton-balls-and spiders' parasite as seen on page 2 of the Alpha Omega Lab 'Parasite Primer' . I have passed them off and on for 3 years, as my health continues to decline.

I have spent hundreds of hours going through websites and visiting university libraries to no avail. Interesting that out of a dozen shelves full of 'parasitology' textbooks/journals, only one or two had photos or 'line drawings' (of very bad quality of course)! How can these books be TEXT ONLY?! No wonder labs can't identify parasites...they've never SEEN any!

On Amazon I see about 50 'medical parasitology/pathology/clinical diagnosis' type books...(that range from $150-$250 ! ) Most of the list is 'out of print' ! There were NO textboks like these at my local university of the largest campuses in the country! So who IS privy to these very expensive, hard-to-find books?! Do any of you have access to this kind of 'atlas' that you could try to look this up for me?

I'm next going to try a university 'used textbooks' store to see if it's any better than the campus library (with its 30-year old 'photo free' textbooks! ) Geez...I just want to see some decent photos so I can identify this thing that is killing me!

The closest I can come to identifying these things is that it could be...maybe... 'Echinococcus Granulosus' or 'Echinococcus Multiocularis' , otherwise known as 'hydatid disease' in which the larvae form 'cysts'. It is classified as a 'cestode', a type of 'dog tapeworm'...although the photos on AO Labs website calls it a nemotode. I contacted AO and found they could be of no help, the herbalist who designed the on-line 'primer' is currently IN JAIL!

I am very, very, VERY concerned...because if this is the parasite I have, it is fatal in 10-15 years if not 'treated' (by surgery or liver transplant! Which is dangerous as rupture of the 'cysts' can cause anaphylactic shock - this may explain why I am SO sick when they pass) 'metastasizes' (travels) from liver to lungs, brain, and even bone...all of which I've had MAJOR long-standing 'inexplicable' trouble with...and I've been sick for about 15 years! I fear my time is short.

Please see my first post, in particular, on the 'CureZone Team/ Everyone Forum #5' for a more detailed description of the parasite and my experiences with Liver Flushes / 'parasite exodus' so far... I am interested in ANY help advice or encouragement anyone can offer. I am weak, broke, tired...and afraid at this point.

I have made an EXTREMELY strong tincture with over 20 ingredients...( nearly fills a 'sun tea' jar - in 64 oz of raw Apple Cider Vinager). I will ultimately let it 'sit' for a month or so, but I am already using some of it I poured off after about a week. We'll see if adding this to my other 'protocols' does any good.

Usually, with herbal parasite/vermifuge products/recipes, I just get horribly nauseated, and get terrible days-long headaches...with no 'results' it only causes them to secrete toxic poison...but doesn't kill or evacuate them!

I am hoping that the high-enzyme, high-C, high lecithin, high fluid/juice routine I am already using (with SOME success in evacuating the parasite) will help metabolize the toxins/discomforts I've had before with 'herbal vermifuge' methods. I am so exhausted with being sick from the parasite...and sick from the methods to remove them! Does anyone EVER FEEL BETTER??

Thanks for your time and thoughts.


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