Hi Cathy! by Southern Belle ..... Prayer Request Forum
Date: 4/5/2003 1:44:32 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,523
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=451913
I am so sorry you are having problems with your sinuses! But, you know, our Creator has a lot to do all the time and He gave us a wonderful brain which He expects us to use.
Expecting a Dr. to cure you is really silly. I don't have my facts right in front of me, but did you know they are one of the leading causes of deaths? (I want to say a Dr. ranks #3 in causing deaths and the article came out of the AMA!)
The curezone forum is full of ways to help clear up your sinuses. Have you checked out the Liver Flush Forum ? Your liver and gallbladder are connected and you probably have close to 2,000 Gallstones that need to be flushed completely out of your body. After flushing, I no longer had allergy problems. Also, your liver holds emotions and flushing out your liver/gallbladder will heal hurt feelings and anger. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I pick up on some hurt you have suffered in your life, too. Also, if you suffer low self-esteem, the Liver Flush will help!!
Do you exercise? Sinus problems improve when you get that body moving.
Do you eat a lot of white flour and sugar? Drink a lot of milk? Stop all of that and you will see a dramatic improvement in your health.
Do you juice? If you don't, then start!!!
Have you check out the colon cleansing, parasite cleansings, etc? All of those cleansings are SO important.
Check out Dr. Richard Schulze and ALL of his teachings and products. He can truly change your life.
It seem to be that you are relying only on medicine and you are upset you don't have medical insurance thinking that is going to be your answer. Well, Cathy, it's not your answer. It's not your answer, AT ALL!!
If you TRULY want to get better, start reading ALL you can on this website and decide TODAY that you are going to take control of your OWN life. I promise you that if you TRULY want to get better, you will.
There are a lot of support teams here who will guide you on your road to better health!
We care about you!
Paulette G.
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