Whiteheads all over my body... by #28877 ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 6/19/2005 5:29:22 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 24,082
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=355530
I have had milea (whitehead pimples) my whole life. I have tried almost everything. I eat at least 50% raw organic foods, I have done 2 complete colon cleanes from Blessed Herbs and got out lots of mucoid plaque, I have done 5 Hulda Clark Liver Flushes so far and gotten out many stones and will continue to do Liver Flushes and Colon Cleanses for the rest of my life, i've done a Hulda Clark parasite cleanse, I use a Beck blood purifier for one hour 2 times a day for the last 8 months, I drink 2 cups of Colloidal Silver a day for the last 8 months, I drink ozonated water 3 times a day for the last 8 months, I'm 33 years old, 5'10", 140#.
I have whitehead pimples all over my arms, thighs, back, butt and stomach. On any given day I literally have at least a couple hundred on my body. I have tried different diets, soaps, etc.
I believe the problem lies within my body and I just don't know what else to do.
In addition for the last 3 weeks I have been drinking raw organic apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons in 1/4 cup of water 3 times a day) and have no improvement. I have been to dermatologists who only prescribe expensive lotions and cremes. Many years ago I saw a naturepath with no success. I have seen medical doctors. I have tried accupuncture. I get rolfing done every 3 weeks. I have no mercury in my mouth.
I have a fairly good diet. Lots of raw vegatables and fruits, and I juice carrots everyday and I eat raw unsalted walnuts. I take 15 spiralina tablets everyday divided into 3 doses. I take pro-biotics 2 times a day. I take 15 grams of vitamin C everyday divided into 3 doses. I do all my protocols spaced out so that they do not overlap each other. I also eat ground flaxseed. I do lots of walking. I also use a loofah everyday in the shower. I have used many different body scrubs. The problem lies within my body though.
I LITERALLY WANT TO KILL MYSELF at times I am so frustrated and tired of living with so many white heads. I have done body cleanses and eat healthy. What else am I supposed to do?
PLEASE HELP!!! I am so tired of spending so much time doing so many healthy things and nothing so far has even made even a small improvment on my skin.
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