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Re: Major Nausea - Advice? by shelleycat ..... Ask Shelley # 2

Date:   7/30/2004 12:48:35 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   1,326

I think it's fine to keep taking just the Colonix fiber drinks. how about taking that during the day, and then the Oxypowder at night?

When I get bad nausea, it's usually because I have trapped air and need to burp, or have an annoyed gallbladder. But nausea is often due to a kind of backup - something that is causing a backflush in the intestines, which like to be contantly moving forward. I think maybe you have another "plug" type thingie that needs to come out? like that mass of parasites you got out? So massage and laxatives and maybe a colonic irrigation might be the thing.

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