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Re: also by prettysoulful ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   7/28/2006 8:21:53 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,787

I am soooo with you. My skin is finally recovering from my herx/ citric acid reaction during my candida cleanse, and I'm almost overwhelmed by the scars. Thing is, it has taken me weeks to just clear the bumps. Even though the spots seem to be subsiding faster than normal, I'm still disheartened at the efforts I will have to make, especially since 'that time of the month' might bring more before I even clear these! And now I'm not sure what made the difference in clearing the bumps themselves. It was either the coconut oil I'm using on my face, the goldenseal/echinacea capsules I'm popping nightly for the past few days, the oil swishing I just started again, the extra zinc I take, the reduction in the iron I started this week, the face brushing I started this week, who knows! Of course, it could even be something else totally unrelated. The skin issues are the most demoralizing. I guess I can take some comfort in the fact that I can, at least, cover the scars with a good natural makeup.

I have had to adjust my minerals. While the iron supplements have been helpful with the moly, I have had to reduce the extra iron to no more than twice a week because I believe the candida is using it and thriving from it. I haven't used any extra iron in these last few days, but I have used an extra dose of 30-50mg of zinc(on top of what's in my multi), and now my skin is nearly clear. I admit, I got down and desparate, and pulled out all the stops. Now my skin is clearing and I don't know exactly why. My thrush has been coming and going, so until that is completely gone, I will have to keep fighting the candida.

In my opinion, whatever benefit hair analysis has, it is vastly reduced by the incompetences of the interpreter. Also, it seems to be most helpful in measuring minerals in transit, like during a heavy metal detox, versus the state of things in general. Of course, even that depends on the interpreter. If you find someone who is really experienced with it, I believe it could be a good tool. I wish I could just get the acu-cell analysis done, but I don't believe the doctor there does it anymore, and I have no idea who else does intracellular testing. Even so, I don't know if I would be confident enough in that other person to bare the expenses for the service. I truly wish there were an easier way, and if you do find it, please let me know.

Most doctors are under pressure to keep lab tests down in order to reduce issues with insurance carriers, and to keep costs down. And they generally respond to personal requests for specific tests the same way they respond to personal requests for specific drugs...with irritation and resentment. While I don't like Big Pharma's mass marketing strategies, I will say, that it has helped some people become more aware of their options, and the side effects of drugs they were 'put on' by their doctors. So more people are researching the alternatives, and many don't like what they have found out about their medication options. As a result, more doctors are taking the offensive when patients come in with researched requests and suggestions. If your doctor is agreeable, you may be able to get some blood work done, but the interpretations will likely be based on the parameters of modern medicine. And as far as the accuracy of the test to measure what you really want to know, that is anyone's guess.

Good luck!

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