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Re: One Story by UserX ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   3/10/2002 11:14:55 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   3,458


I read thousands od stories from people who used liver cleanse (together with other approaches, of course...).

The most commonly reported symptom of people with congested liver is "fatigue" and poor immunity.

If you read 50 - 100 stories posted in this forum, you will often read this sentence:
"I feel so much better after liver cleanse"
and this one:
"My symptoms are gone after X cleanses"

I have database on my hard drive with several thousand stories.

Here are few interesting, several years old ...


One Story by E.O.

To Whom It May Concern-

I had been diagnosed with minor cervical cancer, and went through a
hysterectomy. Since then, I have not been happy with the subsequent follow
up provided by traditional doctors.

I started following Dr. Clark's advice found in her books, and have had
remarkable results! The first time I used the parasite "zapper", dead
flukeworms were very noticable in my stools! I had been extremely fatigued
all of the time -- would be in bed every day between 7 and 8. Since
zapping, my energy levels have increased DRAMATICALLY! I am able to start
new projects with enthusiasm, and never feel tired! The only change in my
lifestyle has been what I have been following in Dr. Clark's books!

I am VERY distressed at hearing that Dr. Clark has been arrested! This
country was founded on freedom and individuality and freedom of speech. If
I want to try something that I believe will help my health, I don't need
this government stepping in to "protect" me!

I want to make my own choices, and if I am wrong, then I alone am
responsible for the consequences. I don't want that freedom of choice taken
away from me by arresting an innocent person for practicing medicine
without a license. What is medicine? Are they going to arrest the native
American Indian Medicine Man? Are they going to arrest every herbalist and
holistic practitioner next?!!!

This sounds to me like Big Business, (the health insurance industry, the
pharmaceudical companies and the medical hospitals & doctors) just trying
to protect their own pocketbooks! It's unfortunate that Government is so
influenced by their monetary contributions that they feel they have to go
on these "witch hunts" to stop the general population from staying well.



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